The Role of a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP)
SAP Portfolio Documentation Credentials Knowledge Training Examination Continuing Education
Credentials Physician Social Worker Psychologist LEAP or CEAP LMFT NAADAC or ICRC Certified/Licensed NBCC
Knowledge You must have knowledge of and clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of substance abuse-related disorders. How the SAP role relates to the special responsibilities employers have for ensuring the safety of the traveling public Be informed about Part 40, pertinent DOT agency regulations, these SAP guidelines, and any significant changes to them Degrees are not enough
Training The qualification training The qualification training Must include the nine required components laid out in Section 281(c) of Part 40. Must include the nine required components laid out in Section 281(c) of Part 40.
Examination Following Qualification Training All nine elements required in training must be comprehensively tested Test must be independently validated
Continuing Education During each three-year period following satisfactory completion of your training and examination, you must complete at least 12 professional development hours (e.g., Continuing Education Units) relevant to your performing SAP duties
The SAP’s Responsibilities Comprehensive face-to-face assessment Clinical evaluation to determine level of assistance the employee needs in resolving problems associated with alcohol use or prohibited drug use. Recommend a course of education and/or treatment with which the employee must demonstrate successful compliance prior to returning to DOT safety-sensitive duty.
Treatment Recommendations Treatment recommendations can include, but are not limited to: In-patient treatment, partial in-patient treatment, out-patient treatment, education programs, and aftercare. Education recommendations can include, but are not limited to bone fide drug and alcohol education courses, self-help groups, and community lectures. ASAM Criteria
The SAP’s Responsibilities continued Serve as a referral source to assist the employee's entry into an acceptable program As a SAP, you should have a working knowledge of quality programs and qualified counselors as well as insurance, benefit plans, and payment requirements. Don’t forget self-help groups
The SAP’s Responsibilities continued successful compliance Provide a face-to-face follow-up evaluation with the employee to determine if the individual has demonstrated successful compliance with recommendations Develop and direct a follow-up testing plan for the employee returning to work following successful compliance Define aftercare when appropriate
The SAP’s Responsibilities continued Provide reports to DER indicating whether or not the employee has successfully complied with the treatment recommendations. If Employee has complied, the return to duty process may begin. If Employee has not complied, employer may not return employee to safety sensitive duties Further follow-up evaluations may be scheduled
SAP DUTIES THE FOLLOW-UP TESTING PROCESS Minimum testing requirement is 6 tests during first year Spread out Unpredictable Maximum time is 5 years
SAP DUTIES RELEASE OF INFORMATION HIPAA and 42CFR do not apply All service agents and those involved in the drug testing process may communicate with each other Employee may have copies of reports to DER with testing schedule redacted
SAP DUTIES RECORD MAINTENANCE SAPs need to maintain copies of reports to employers for 5 years, All records should be maintained in limited access areas that permit no unauthorized entry
Questions & Answers William Mock will be available for questions immediately following this presentation Room