1974, 1984, 1996
Enacted December 16, 1974 ◦ Amended in 1986 and 1996 SWDA regulates all public water systems in the U.S. (national law) Requires the EPA to set Maximum Contaminant Levels for public drinking water as well as non-enforceable containment level goals. ◦ Bottled water is not regulated under SWDA, it’s instead regulated by the FDA. ◦ SDWA also does not apply to private wells that serve less than 25 people. The 1986 amendment also required standards to be set that limited Lead contamination. SDWA protects the public’s drinking water as well as its sources from environmental risks that include: pesticides, waste injected deep undergrounds, human waste, disposed chemicals, etc.
The 1996 amendment also required the EPA to consider cost-benefit analysis, and detailed scientific research when setting contaminant levels. The 1996 amendment also incorporated water source-protection, operator training and funding for improvements into the Act. ◦ This was done to ensure water quality from source to tap. Individual states can apply to have the authority to regulate their drinking water systems independently through EPA standards (all states have this privilege except Wyoming and the District of Columbia).