AB900 New Jail Project
AB 900 Grant Award Award/ApplicationAmount AB 900 (award)$26,985,422 Does not includekitchen Note: Received written confirmation that County has no obligation to maintain, use or operate existing jail upon completion of new jail.
New Cost Estimates From Nacht & Lewis
Final Project Description & Cost Estimate
AB900 Cash Match - $1,422,000 County has expended over $800,000 to date of which $600,000 can be applied to the match. For purposes of this presentation, County is estimating in-kind funds to be approximately $500K; the Sheriff’s Department alone is estimating over $418K Gap Funding- $9,400,000 Nacht and Lewis Revisions Project description –reduce site footprint, down size project approx 1000 sq ft and add kitchen project cannot be built with AB900 award ($26,985,422)
Operational Increases Staffing Correctional officers Support staff (cook, booking, fiscal) Medical Supplies Proportionate increase in food, clothing and medical care Utilities
Staff Operational Increase March 10, 2015 Minimum additional staffing needed to meet all State requirements is: 2 New Correctional Officers 1 New Fiscal position Estimated costs, based on hiring in FY19/20 is: $223,076 Services & Supplies – $175,000 line items expected to increase once new jail is at 180 bed capacity, based on Nacht & Lewis Feasibility Study include food, household, office supplies, etc. Potential funding source for Operational staff costs: AB109
Operational Cost Increase assumes occupancy of 150 StaffSupplies Food$100,000 Medical$170,000 Clothing$5,000 Cook (0.5 FTE)$19,000 Correctional Nurse (0.5 FTE)$40,000 Correctional Officer (1 FTE)$74,000 Fiscal Tech$64,000 Total$197,000$275,000
Cash Match$1,422,000 Allowable Expenditures to date($600,000) In-kind($500,000) Project GAP$9,400,000 Additional Funds Needed $9,722,000
Possible Funding Sources Fund OptionAmountRemaining Fund Balance Notes Accumulated Capital Outlay $320,0000 Geothermal Fund$350,000 *$129,000 *currently funds portion of APCD staff. Closer review needed. Siskiyou Power Authority $1,000,0000 (+$1.5M Emergency Reserve) Gold Theft Insurance set aside $1,000,0000 (+remaining gold collection) These funds are in an Agency Fund SB 863 committed$113,0000 CCP Funds$250,000 CCP committed to contributing these funds Total$3,033,000 There is potential buyer interested in the Moonlit Oaks property the proceeds would be used- approx $285,000. Available Funding Sources
Financing The Treasurer-Tax Collector and Auditor- Controller have explored financing of gap funding. Need complete project description to determine viability months to complete process Amount to finance approx $9 million
Pooled Fund loan- long term loan for gap funding is not a legal (GC 53601) per County Treasurer-Tax Collector. iBank- still researching. USDA 6-8 months to complete process Revenue source to pay debt service? NEPA Retain 10% annual debt service pmt. Certificate of Participation (COP) Cost $275,000- could be rolled into amt. financed Min 5 months Collateral? 30 years Annual pmt of $570, ,000.
Financing $9,400, %5.5% 30 Yrs$572,000 per yr.$641,000 per yr. 20 yrs$714,000 per yr.$776,000 per yr. Annual increase in operational costs $472,000 (min.) Best case- increase apprx. $1,000,000 per year
Financing $7,000, %5.5% 30 Yrs$426,000 per yr.$480,000 per yr. 20 yrs$528,000 per yr.$576,000 yr. Annual increase in operational costs $472,000 (min.)
Financial Considerations There’s no crystal ball! Cons GASB 68 Unfunded Liability Requirements GASB 45 OPEB Liability PERS rate increases Annual Health Insurance Increases- Secure Rural School funding uncertainty Employee COLAs Economy fluctuations? Pros Final Payback of Court Revenue audit end December $112,000 Triple Flip Swap Expires December County will receive 1% of Bradley-Burns local sales and use taxes. Est revenue El Nino? Economy fluctuations?
Project Establishment Timeline Time is money- Costs escalate every day we fail to establish the project. Cannot establish the project until financing is approved. Approx 6-12 month process to establish the project.
Project Management CAO (.25FTE) Auditor-Controller/Assistant Auditor Controller/ Accountant Auditor (.1FTE) Treasurer (.1FTE) Sheriff, Jail Lieutenant, Jail Sgt., Jail Fiscal staff (1.5 FTE) Director Public Works(.25FTE) Project cost includes hiring construction manager