Passive Voice
Introduction So far: active voice with verbs EX: Mrs. Papachristou graded the tests. Focus on who is doing the action Today: passive voice with verbs EX: The tests were graded by Mrs. Papachristou. Focus on the action and the receiver of the action PASSIVE VOICE is used when it is not important or necessary to know who did something
Getting Started English Sentence: S + V + (O) Transitive Verbs take an object (open sth, give sth, write sth) Intransitive Verbs DO NOT take an object (sleep, happen, die) Passive voice: only transitive verbs To identify the object, ask: Who or what did the subject verb? The answer is the object.
Getting Started To identify the object, ask: Who or what did the subject verb? The answer is the object. Try it: identify the subject, verb, (object) Kim ate lunch. Connie was jumping into the pool. Jim swam with a dolphin. Mary is sitting all by herself.
Review: Getting Started English Sentence: S + V + (O) Transitive Verbs take an object Intransitive Verbs DO NOT take an object Passive voice: only transitive verbs To identify the object, ask: Who or what did the subject verb? The answer is the object.
Passive Voice EG p. 211 Chart 11-1 Active: Mary helped the boy Passive: The boy was helped by Mary To change an active sentence to a passive sentence: Active object becomes passive subject Active verb becomes passive verb Active subject becomes passive agent as a by-phrase.
Passive Voice Form: be + past participle (-ed, -en) S. Present: The boy is helped by Mary. Pres. Prog: The boy is being helped by Mary. Pres. Perf: The boy has been helped by Mary. S. Past: The boy was helped by Mary. Past Prog: The boy was being helped by Mary. Past Perf: The boy had been helped by Mary. S. Future: The boy will be helped by Mary. S. Future: The boy is going to be helped by Mary.
Using Passive Voice Most frequently used when it is not known or not important to know who performs an action. Usually used without a by-phrase (unless when we have a specific agent) Ex: The goal was scored by Anthony. Ex: Coffee is made in Brazil.