Student Greenhouse Sign Project Unit 6 Sales and Marketing
Fruit size: 16 oz Matures: 70 to 75 days Spacing: 36 inches Plant size: 5 to 8 feet Tomato Hybrid Better Boy (66 Calibri (H) This is a great slicing tomato. High yields of smooth skinned, large. The fruit has excellent classic tomato flavor with just the right balance of acid and sugar. Quick Facts -BoldDescription- Bold 32 Claibria (Body) Get information from Bonnie Plants Web Site. Or other reputable vegetable transplant of seed vendors. Pictures must be very good quality to be stretched over the entire slide. Please only make the image bigger by stretching it from the corner (any enlargement done on the side will create a distorted picture. Try both black and white text to determine which one will be most visible when printed.
Tomatoes Kinds of Tomatoes – Slicing – Canning – Cherry – Paste Breeds of Tomatoes – Open-pollinated - Seeds from open-pollinated varieties produce plants and fruit that are identical to their parent. (Note: All heirloom varieties are open-pollinated but not all open-pollinated varieties are heirloom varieties.) – Heirloom (Know for taste or interesting color or variation) Original varieties- No genetic modification or crossing of two breeds to get another. – Hybrid-Cross between 2 or more varieties to enhance characteristics.
Tomatoes Continued Maturity - The number of days from transplanting seedling to the first mature fruit. – Early-Season varieties generally mature between 55 to 68 days – Midseason varieties- 69 to 79 days – Late season varieties from 80 days and beyond
Tomato Potato-leaf - Foliage without indentations on leaf margins. Looks similar to leaves of potato plant. Globe - A round shaped tomato. Beefsteak - A type of tomato rather than a variety (although there really is a particular variety named 'Beefsteak.') Usually considered a large, irregular shaped tomato with solid flesh.
Cabbage Early and late verities- one is for planting early in the spring season and the late is planted and harvested towards the end of growing season.
Parts used: Flower, leaf or stem Can grow indoors by window: Yes or No Uses: cooking, decoration, Scent Plant size: Herbs Lavender Quick FactsDescription