Urological Tumour Group National Perspective Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios
Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Network 2014/ /2016 Commercial Non- Commercial TotalRankCommercial Non- Commercial TotalRank East Midlands Eastern Greater Manchester Kent, Surrey and Sussex North East and North Cumbria North Thames North West Coast North West London South London South West Peninsula Thames Valley and South Midlands Wessex West Midlands West of England Yorkshire and Humber Urological Tumour Group National Perspective Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios
Urological Tumour Group Open Commercial Studies Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Study EM E GM KSS NE&NC NT NWC NWL SL SWP TV&SM Wes WM WoE Y&H CANC PRIME - PRostate Imaging for Margin Evaluation CANC REASSURE CANC CICERO: Cystoscopic Imaging Collection and Enhancement pROject NCRN / SPARTAN - ARN-509 in non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate ca NCRN : Patterns of Care and Outcomes of Men with Prostate Cancer NCRN Olaparib/placebo + abiraterone in mCRPC following prior treatment with docextaxel NCRN Radium-223 in patients with bone predominant metastatic CRPC NCRN MPDL3280A VS Chemotherapy in UROTHELIAL Bladder Cancer NCRN428 BiopSave - Validation of a novel proteomic blood test for prostate ca diagnosis NCRN452 - registry of pts with metastatic castrate-resistant prostate ca NCRN456 - DCVAC / Pca vs Placebo in Prostate Cancer NCRN541 - Abiraterone with Different Steroid Regimens in Prostate Cancer Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios
Urological Tumour Group Open Studies Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Study EM E GM KSS NE&NC NT NWC NWL SL SWP TV&SM Wes WM WoE Y&H 18F-D4-FCH in MIBC ACTIVE SURVEILLANCE ADIUVO AdUP: AdNRGM; VDEPT + GMCSF in locally recurrent prostate cancer A-PREDICT CALIBER CaNCaP02 - CAmbridge Neoadjuvant CAncer of the Prostate Study CANTATA DELINEATE DIRECTS EAGLE study Effect of Sulforaphane on prostate CAncer PrEvention (ESCAPE) ENZAMET FIESTA FORECAST - Focal Recurrent Assessment and Salvage Treatment Genetics of Papillary Kidney Cancer HYBRID Hyperthermia for Intermediate risk bladder cancer (HIVEC-II) IDEAL Immunotherapy for prostate cancer Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios
Urological Tumour Group Open Studies Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Study EM E GM KSS NE&NC NT NWC NWL SL SWP TV&SM Wes WM WoE Y&H IMPACT Impact of Zoledronic acid and IL2 on gamma delta T cells INDEX JAVA-P LOCATE MARBLE MARS (formerly Microbiota & Radiotherapy (M & RT) Study) MELCAP METformin And Longevity (METAL) MR Elastography assessment of renal tissue biomechanics NEOBLADE PANTERA PART - Partial prostate Ablation versus Radical prosTatectomy PATCH Patient reported outcomes in prostate cancer radiotherapy Pazopanib in patients with renal cancer (PaZ02) PET /MRI preRadiOtherapy for PostProstatectomy POUT ProCAID PROGENY Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios
Urological Tumour Group Open Studies Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Study EM E GM KSS NE&NC NT NWC NWL SL SWP TV&SM Wes WM WoE Y&H PROMIS Prostate MRI Imaging Study (MRC PR11) ProMPT PROMPTS ProSpare II RADICALS (MRC PR10) RE-AKT REASURE (Radium-223: Evaluation of Activity and SUrrogate REsponse) SAPROCAN: Saracatnib and docetaxel in met, cast-ref prostate cancer Shed tumour cells in bladder cancer SMART TARGET (Biopsy Study) STAMPEDE STAR Standard vs Modified Drug Therapy in Renal Cancer SURAB Surtime - EORTC The Late CT Study The Leeds Testicular Cancer Study The PACE Study The PHOTO Trial The PROFILE Study The UK Genetics of Testicular Cancer Study Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios
Urological Tumour Group Open Studies Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Study EM E GM KSS NE&NC NT NWC NWL SL SWP TV&SM Wes WM WoE Y&H TOPARP TOTEM: Trial of Temsirolimus for Advanced Cancers Tractomap - MRI with DTI tractography to road-map prostatic neurovascular bundles TUXEDO UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study Understanding Consequences VinCaP VoxTox - Linking radiation dose at the voxel level with toxicity Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios
Skin Tumour Group SWP Recruitment Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios
Skin Tumour Group SWP Recruitment Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Trust 2014/ /2016 Commercial Non- Commercial TotalCommercial Non- Commercial Total Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios
AcronymUKCRNIDStudy TypeTrust Investigator Name Recruitment End Date Planned Target Recruitment (Edge) RTT AZD081DC00008 Metastatic Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer 16081CommercialPHNT Pascoe, Dr Sarah 30-Jun AZD081DC00008 Metastatic Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer 16081CommercialSDHCFT Lydon, Dr Anna 01-Jun CANC PREMISE18961CommercialRCHT Wheatley, Dr Duncan 20-Jul CANC PREMISE18961CommercialSDHCFT Lydon, Dr Anna 30-Jul GO29294 AntiPDL1 Bladder Cancer Phase III18174CommercialRCHT Wheatley, Dr Duncan 03-Aug GO29294 AntiPDL1 Bladder Cancer Phase III18174CommercialRD&E Srinivasan, Dr Rajaguru 15-Jun Janssen Prostate Study - CANC JNJ Abiraterone Acetate+Prednisone VS Abiraterone Acetate+Prednisone in mCRPC 18838CommercialPHNT Natale, Mr Salvatore 20-Dec NCRN 2630 Bayer Standard dose versus higher and extended dose of Radium 223 in CRPC CommercialT&S Graham, Dr John 16-Jun NCRN CommercialNDHCT Sheehan, Dr Denise 31-Dec NCRN CommercialPHNT Pascoe, Dr Sarah 26-Mar Skin Tumour Group RAG Report - Commercial Data from EDGE– Cut off 06/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios
AcronymUKCRNIDStudy TypeTrust Investigator Name Recruitment End Date Planned Target Recruitment (Edge) RTT Add-Aspirin Trial18067 Non- Commercial RCHT Wheatley, Dr Duncan 01-Jul A-PREDICT12404 Non- Commercial PHNT Highley, Dr Martin 01-Sep CALIBER17640 Non- Commercial RD&E McGrath, Mr John 31-Jan CANTATA13741 Non- Commercial RD&E Sheehan, Dr Denise 29-Feb CANTATA13741 Non- Commercial SDHCFT Lydon, Dr Anna 28-Feb COMPARe study: COMparing treatment options for ProstAte canceR Non- Commercial RCHT Thomson, Dr Alastair 30-Jun ENZAMET18429 Non- Commercial RCHT Thomson, Dr Alastair 01-Oct Hyperthermia for Intermediate risk bladder cancer (HIVEC-II) Non- Commercial PHNT Hunter Campbell, Mr Paul 08-Dec IMPACT4214 Non- Commercial PHNT Brewer, Dr Carole 01-Apr IMPACT4214 Non- Commercial RD&E Brewer, Dr Carole 31-Dec Skin Tumour Group RAG Report - Non Commercial Data from EDGE– Cut off 06/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios
AcronymUKCRNIDStudy TypeTrust Investigator Name Recruitment End Date Planned Target Recruitment (Edge) RTT Pazopanib in patients with renal cancer (PaZ02)11827 Non- Commercial SDHCFT Lydon, Dr Anna 31-Aug POUT11494 Non- Commercial NDHCT Sheehan, Dr Denise 31-Jan POUT11494 Non- Commercial RCHT Wheatley, Dr Duncan 03-Jul POUT11494 Non- Commercial RD&E Sheehan, Dr Denise 30-May POUT11494 Non- Commercial SDHCFT Lydon, Dr Anna 30-May POUT11494 Non- Commercial T&S Varughese, Dr Mohini 31-Dec PROMIS Prostate MRI Imaging Study (MRC PR11)9941 Non- Commercial T&S Burns-Cox, Mr Nick 31-Oct PROMPTS13129 Non- Commercial NDHCT Sheehan, Dr Denise 30-Jun PROMPTS13129 Non- Commercial RD&E Sheehan, Dr Denise 01-Dec PROMPTS13129 Non- Commercial T&S Graham, Dr John 31-Dec Skin Tumour Group RAG Report - Non Commercial Data from EDGE– Cut off 06/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios
AcronymUKCRNIDStudy TypeTrust Investigator Name Recruitment End Date Planned Target Recruitment (Edge) RTT RADICALS (MRC PR10)1762 Non- Commercial NDHCT Sheehan, Dr Denise 30-Jun RADICALS (MRC PR10)1762 Non- Commercial PHNTSells, Mr Henry01-May RADICALS (MRC PR10)1762 Non- Commercial RCHT Wheatley, Dr Duncan 30-Jun RADICALS (MRC PR10)1762 Non- Commercial RD&E Srinivasan, Dr Rajaguru 30-Jun RADICALS (MRC PR10)1762 Non- Commercial SDHCFT Lydon, Dr Anna 30-Jun RADICALS (MRC PR10)1762 Non- Commercial T&S Varughese, Dr Mohini 30-Jun SAPROCAN: Saracatnib and docetaxel in met, cast-ref prostate cancer Non- Commercial RD&E Srinivasan, Dr Rajaguru 15-Feb SAPROCAN: Saracatnib and docetaxel in met, cast-ref prostate cancer Non- Commercial SDHCFT Lydon, Dr Anna 30-Apr Skin Tumour Group RAG Report - Non Commercial Data from EDGE– Cut off 06/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios
AcronymUKCRNIDStudy TypeTrust Investigator Name Recruitment End Date Planned Target Recruitment (Edge) RTT Stampede1409 Non- Commercial NDHCT Sheehan, Dr Denise 31-Dec Stampede1409 Non- Commercial RD&E Sheehan, Dr Denise 31-Dec Stampede1409 Non- Commercial SDHCFT Lydon, Dr Anna 31-Dec Stampede1409 Non- Commercial T&S Graham, Dr John 01-Jun Stampede1409 Non- Commercial YDH Sparrow, Dr Geoff 31-Dec STAR Standard vs Modified Drug Therapy in Renal Cancer Non- Commercial RCHT Thomson, Dr Alastair 01-Nov STAR Standard vs Modified Drug Therapy in Renal Cancer Non- Commercial RD&E Sheehan, Dr Denise 31-May STAR Standard vs Modified Drug Therapy in Renal Cancer Non- Commercial T&S Varughese, Dr Mohini 31-May STAR Standard vs Modified Drug Therapy in Renal Cancer Non- Commercial YDH Sparrow, Dr Geoff 03-Jun Skin Tumour Group RAG Report - Non Commercial Data from EDGE– Cut off 06/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios
AcronymUKCRNIDStudy TypeTrustInvestigator Name Recruitment End Date Planned Target Recruitment (Edge) RTT The Leeds Testicular Cancer Study13737Non-CommercialPHNTHighley, Dr Martin31-Jan The Leeds Testicular Cancer Study13737Non-CommercialRCHTWheatley, Dr Duncan30-Jan The Leeds Testicular Cancer Study13737Non-CommercialRD&EHong, Dr Anne31-Jan The PHOTO Trial17055Non-CommercialRD&EMcGrath, Mr John31-Mar The UK Genetics of Testicular Cancer Study4155Non-CommercialPHNTHighley, Dr Martin26-Sep UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study869Non-CommercialNDHCTSheehan, Dr Denise31-Dec UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study869Non-CommercialPHNTMcInerney, Mr Paul31-Dec UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study869Non-CommercialRCHTWheatley, Dr Duncan12-Dec UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study869Non-CommercialRD&EInvestigator, No Local31-Dec UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study869Non-CommercialSDHCFTLydon, Dr Anna31-Dec UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study869Non-CommercialT&SMacDonagh, Dr Ru31-Dec UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study869Non-CommercialYDHParker, Mr Chris31-Dec VinCaP15033Non-CommercialRCHTThomson, Dr Alastair03-Feb Skin Tumour Group RAG Report - Non Commercial Data from EDGE– Cut off 06/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios