Please be aware this information is specifically in relation to the Year 6 SATs Tests. There will be a meeting for parents on whole school assessment later in the term.
Why do children sit SATs tests? SATs tests measure children’s ability in maths, reading, grammar, punctuation and spelling. They identify the child’s strength and areas to develop. They are a measure of children’s progress at the end of key stages. They are also used by the government to assess how well schools are doing. They may be used by secondary schools when grouping children.
How are they different this year? This year is the first time children will be tested on the new curriculum. The government are aware the children have not received the curriculum from the beginning of their academic career and therefore refer to these as interim assessments. The new curriculum is more challenging than its predecessor and this will be reflected in the tests.
Scaled Scores This year, a scaled score will be used to report National Curriculum test outcomes. A scaled score is defined as ‘a score where 100 will represent the new expected standard for that stage’. Little detail is given about scaled scores other than pupils with a score of 100 or above will have met the new standard and those with a score of less than 100 will not. Until the children have completed the tests and they have been marked, we will not know how many marks the children will need to achieve. (The average scaled score will be 100.)
Teacher Assessments In addition to the tests, Year 6 teachers are required to submit teacher assessments for reading, writing and mathematics at the end of May. We have been provided with a framework to help us identify children ‘working at the expected standard for year 6’ in reading and maths. Judgements for writing will be made as: Working towards expected standard Working at expected standard Working at greater depth within the expected standard.
Reporting Parents will receive details of their own child’s score, the average score for the school, local area and nationally.
Key Dates Monday 9 th MayReading Tuesday 10 th MayGrammar, Punctuation and Spelling Wednesday 11 th MayMaths paper 1 Maths paper 2 Thursday 12 th MayMaths paper 3 Friday 13 th MayScience (will not be sent away) Monday 6 th June – Friday 17 th June Science sampling
Reading The children will have 1 hour to complete the reading test. It will assess the children’s ability to: Give / explain the meaning of words in context Retrieve and record information / identify key details from fiction and non-fiction Summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph Make inferences from the text / explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Predict what might happen from details stated and implied Identify / explain how information / narrative content is related and contributes to meaning as a whole Identify / explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases 2h make comparisons within the text.
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling The children will have 45 minutes to complete a short answers paper and approximately 15 minutes for the spelling test. It will assess the children’s ability to: Understand grammatical terms / word classes Functions of sentences Combining words, phrases and clauses Verb forms, tense and consistency Punctuation Vocabulary Standard English and formality
Mathematics There will be 3 papers: Paper 1 Arithmetic 30 minutes Paper 2 Reasoning 40 minutes Paper 3 Reasoning 40 minutes The arithmetic paper will consist of calculations involving the four operations, number, fractions and percentages. The reasoning papers involve problem solving, shape, measures and statistics. The children are not permitted to use a calculator for any of the tests.
How you can help your child. We have subscribed and which will enable your child to practise their skills. Other recommended websites: There are a number of books available which will further embed learning. Be positive!
Most importantly… SATs assess only a small part of your child’s development. We recognise that children have a variety of talents in a multitude of ways and we value them all.