CLAP CRITICAL LITERARY ANALYSIS PAPER a very, very brief introduction to the paper and the books!
CLAP QUARTER - BY - QUARTER 1MP : September: Select two-three books for one theme Read 1 st novel during September and October Take an in-class essay exam on October 25/26 2MP : Read 2 nd novel from Nov-early January Take an in-class essay exam January 9/10. 3MP : research, take notes, outline, and write first copy 4MP : revise and complete final copy
F INAL P RODUCT A 6-8 page literary analysis paper on a theme for two books by American authors Unlike previous years, and unlike the honors classes, you do not need to select an author. You will make your decisions based on theme. The final essay will included a minimum of 5 solid, useful, and focused secondary sources (literary criticism) We will discuss what this means as we move forward in the year. You will have ample time to research and process your research.
H OW WE ’ LL GET THERE … In-class essays that build into the ideas you’ll discuss… MP1: Oct 25/26 MP2: Jan 9/10 Same questions, given to you NOW. Things to consider: Look at the timing: you have MUCH less time for the first book, so think about reading the shorter novel first. STRONGLY recommend purchasing the book. You’ll want to write in it and have the book whenever you want it.
I MMEDIATE D UE D ATES We will be in the library next week to have time to peruse other books. You need to select 2-3 books by Friday, Sept. 14. We pick a 3 rd in case one of the others doesn’t work out. Complete research on other books on your own time. This should be complete by the block day. You need to have your first book IN CLASS on Tuesday, Sept. 18 Reminder: first in-class essay is Oct. 25/26…get started reading ASAP!
T HINGS YOU WILL DO TODAY ! Take a note card On one side, write “Books to Consider”, on the other “Books to Avoid” Peruse the pile of books PICK THEM UP! Judge them by the cover if you want to! See how long they are. Read the back cover! Read a couple of pages. Does the style appeal to you? The English language can sound quite different depending on the time period a book was published or the time period that is being written about. Look at the list - what themes is this book under?
F INAL R EMINDERS DO NOT JUST TRUST YOUR FRIENDS!! You will be reading and analyzing these books for 4+ months…YOU need to know if you like it and be committed to them. DO NOT skimp on researching them before next week…you will not have enough time to research the books in that time frame, so narrow before then, please.