35. Resurrected Mark 15:41 – 16:8 p. 941
1. Resurrection Boa & Turner: “The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible” The resurrection matters. (1 Cor. 15:17)
2. Living with a Resurrected Lord A crucified and resurrected Lord. Story of Jesus speaks to me of FAITHFULNESS. Many Christians focus on forgiveness of sins. I acknowledge my sinfulness and accept God’s forgiveness I am just like Paul (1 Tim. 1:14-16) What really guides my daily life: Faithfulness.
2. Living with a Resurrected Lord... What really guides my daily life: Faithfulness. Tempted to self indulgence, stumble all the time Tempted to be popular, hate being at odds with others Faithfulness does not come easily to me. Resurrection reminds me that faithfulness is worth it. “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matt 25:21)
3. Faithfulness OFFENDS Jesus’ very first words – set himself up against the world “Repent and believe the good news” (1:15) NOT: “Relax, the kingdom of God has come near” He offended the religious leaders (2:6f; 16f; 3:22) He embarrassed his family (3:21)
3. Faithfulness... IS COSTLY “Deny yourself... take up cross... follow me” (8:34) “Go sell everything... come follow me” (10:21) Family will turn against us (13:12) “Everyone will hate you because of me” (13:13)
3. Faithfulness... IS GENEROUS Sower sowed seed widely (4:1-20). Not all produced crop. Crossed the Sea of Galilee to heal a demon possessed man Healed a poor woman with bleeding (5:29) Fed huge crowds (6:30f; 8:1f)
3. Faithfulness... PERSEVERES Jesus was never distracted form his purpose. He stood firm. To Peter: “you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns” (8:33) Spoke truth that drove a potential disciple away (10:21) Jesus spoke truth to everyone. He also lived it: “Not what I will, but what you will” (14:36)
3. Faithfulness... RESTORES Jesus always spoke the truth... did what was right not what was expected... responded to needs with generosity (e.g. 6:34)... never allowed himself to be distracted or derailed... willingly suffered and died (10:45)... restored the whole cosmos from sin and destruction
Living it... Jesus entrusted his disciples with the message of redemption and called us to life in the Spirit. Faithfulness will offend many... is costly... must nonetheless be generous... perseveres through trials, opposition, disappointment... restores us to God and restores the world he loves.
Living it... Not easy – but the resurrection tells us it is worth it.