I Quit! January 2013
Introduction. The National Member Services Committee has developed a series of National Education Seminars to help our Lodges run more effectively. A number of sessions are available ranging from meeting management to public relations. Just contact the National office for more information ( ).
Topics of Discussion. Understanding what we can do to keep members from quitting. Finding out what help is available. Learning from people who have quit. Trying to get the people to join again.
Stop, Don’t Leave! We will always have some members quit, but we can reduce the numbers. If a member quits, find out why. If a number of members are quitting for the same reason then appropriate changes need to be implemented. Look at any criticism positively and constructively.
What can we do! Don’t make it easy for your members to quit. If a member misses a number of meetings or never shows up to help, find out why. Try and get them involved again. Get them on a committee that interests them. Show them you care, sometimes that’s all that is needed. Keep in contact with them. A personal phone call can work wonders and may uncover reasons for non-participation or non-attendance.
Your Dues are Due! Make it easy for members to pay their membership fees. If necessary and allowed by Lodge bylaw, be prepared to accept fees in more than one annual payment. Develop a reminder notice system so everyone knows their fees are due. There are samples in the Lodge Membership Director’s Manual available from the National office, or alternatively on our website at: center/lodge-material.
Keep in Touch. Send out a monthly newsletter. It keeps your members informed and interested. Consider getting a list from the National office ( ) of your past members. Invite them to a meeting. Make a personal call and invite them to your next meeting or social function. Offer to pick them up. Get them to commit.
Why Bother? It’s harder to get a new member than keep a present member. Stopping the number of members going out the back door is just as important as bringing in new ones. It takes a bit of work, but follow-up with a member who hasn’t paid their dues. Take it personally when someone quits. It is a reflection on your Lodge.
Recap. Listen to the people quitting. Find out why they quit and make some changes if you have to. Follow-up with members that haven’t paid their dues. Develop a system of notification when dues have to be paid. Don’t give up. Take it personally.
Putting it into Action. Put a process into place to find out why members quit. Use this information to make changes if necessary. Use some type of system to notify members their fees are due. Ensure that the Membership Director/Secretary or other responsible member follows up with any member who has not paid their dues.