Supervision Workshop for Multiple Subject Student Teachers and Interns
Have you seen PE taught? What have you seen? How often is PE taught? What’s the difference between PE and recess? Participation is not the same as education. What does State education code say about how many minutes a week of PE instruction children should receive?
Why is PE important?
Physical benefits
Why is PE important? Physical benefits Social benefits
Why is PE important? Physical benefits Social benefits Mental health benefits Other?
What should be taught? PE has content standards for each grade level Look at the California Department of Education website for the content standards Compare the standards to what you’ve seen taught Are team sports the right content for PE instruction in elementary school?
What makes a good PE lesson? Active participation Focus on content standards Clear expectations and goals Preparation for student management Assessment of student progress What else?
Can PE be integrated with other curriculum subjects? Good teaching takes creativity. Brainstorm with a friend how this might be accomplished. Share your ideas!