FOCUS QUESTION Describe some of the difficulties that can face a president when his/her term begins:
OBJECTIVES After today’s lesson, you will: Outline and evaluate three precedents established by the Washington Administration
The Presidency developed with Washington in mind Washington was the most widely respected American Leader of the Patriot movement in Virginia Commander of the Continental Army Chairman of the Constitutional Convention Unanimously elected President
FACED SEVERAL MAJOR CHALLENGES AS PRESIDENT Establishing the government Demonstrate the Constitution could work Address the nation’s debt problem Rebuild the nation’s financial system Address major foreign policy issues CHOICES MADE BY WASHINGTON WOULD SET A TONE FOR THE UNITED STATES
SET THREE MAJOR PRECEDENTS Chose advisers from a cross-section of the population Established a policy of neutrality in foreign affairs Served only two terms as president
FIRST PRECEDENT: THE CABINET Chose his advisors from a cross section of the population Thomas Jefferson Henry Knox Virginia Massachusetts State War Alexander Hamilton Edmund Randolph New York Virginia Treasury Attorney General
SECOND PRECENDENT: NEUTRALITY War erupted between Britain and France in 1793 U.S. allied with France U.S. traded heavily with Britain Washington pushed for Neutrality U.S. refused to take sides in a European War
THIRD PRECEDENT Stepped down after two terms as president Set a tone for future presidents
CRITICAL THINKING Complete the following sentence starter, using information from your text and today’s discussion: The Washington Administration addressed an important challenge from ___________ by doing ___________________.
SUMMARY Take the time to write a brief, two to three sentence answer to the following: The most important thing I learned in class today was: Homework: Read Chapter 6, Section 1 and answer questions in the unit packet