Conflict & Change (Nationalism & Independence) FSMS Standard SS7H3a.b. Standard SS7H3a.b. Day Day
SS7H3 – The student will analyze continuity and change in Southern and Eastern Asia leading to the 21 st century. a. Describe how nationalism led to independence in India and Vietnam. d. Describe the impact of communism in China in terms of Mao Zedong, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, and Tiananmen Square.
Agenda Message : Agenda Message : S&EA Quiz on Religions & Geography is Friday Jan. 22 nd. Quiz Study Guides go home TODAY. Standard: Standard: Analyze continuity and change in S&EA leading to the 21 st century as it relates to the History of Indian & Vietnam. E.Q. for Tuesday; 1/19/16: E.Q. for Tuesday; 1/19/16: Describe European colonialism and what colonies supposed to provide for their European masters? Warm-Up Warm-Up: Name two beliefs that Hinduism & Buddhism shared. Today We Will: 1. Introduce European Colonialism 2. Start Gandhi DVD
E.Q. Answer for Tuesday 1/19/16 E.Q. Answer for Tuesday 1/19/16: Europeans in the 18 th & 19 th centuries saw colonies as a measure of national power or importance. A strong country was supposed to have colonies to provide: 1. raw materials and 2. markets to increase its wealth and importance in the world. Warm-Up Warm-Up: 1. Reincarnation 2. Karma
Agenda Message: NOT Agenda Message: There will “NOT” be any After school tutoring Today. S&EA Quiz on Religions & Geography is Friday Jan. 22 nd. Sixty school days to the Social Studies GMAS. Standard: Standard: Analyze continuity and change in S&EA leading to the 21 st century as it relates to the History of Indian & Vietnam. Essential Question, Wednesday; 1/20/16: Nationalism Essential Question, Wednesday; 1/20/16: What is “Nationalism”. Warm-Up: Name two things that colonies were supposed to provide to the European countries that controlled them. Today We Will: 1. Day-2, Gandhi DVD with Active Viewing Worksheet #1
E.Q. Answer for Wednesday 1/19/16: The belief that a people should be free to govern their own affairs and be loyal to those with whom they share a common history, customs, origins, language and/or religion. People who share these things often think of themselves as a distinct nation and should therefore be free to govern themselves. Warm-Up: 1. Provide raw materials (natural resources) to feed the industrial revolution, and 2. Become markets for manufactured goods
Agenda Message: Agenda Message: S&EA Religion, Geography, & Literacy Rate/Standard of Living Quiz is tomorrow! Fifty-nine school days to Social Studies GMAS. Standard: Standard: Analyze continuity and change in S&EA leading to the 21 st century as it relates to the History of Indian & Vietnam. Essential Question, Thursday; 1/21/16: Essential Question, Thursday; 1/21/16: What were the two main religions in India during the independence struggle from Great Britain? Warm-Up: Warm-Up: What is Nationalism? Today We Will: 1. Day-3 History of India’s Independence from Great Britain. (Gandhi DVD
E.Q. Answer for Thursday 1/21/16: Hinduism & Islam Warm-Up: The belief that a people should be free to govern their own affairs and be loyal to those with whom they share a common history, customs, origins, language and/or religion.
Agenda Message: Agenda Message: Due to today’s shortened schedule our quiz has been rescheduled to Tuesday January 26 th. Use your Study Guides to Prepare for Success! E.Q.’s & Warm-Ups are due Monday. Standard: Standard: Analyze continuity and change in S&EA leading to the 21 st century as it relates to the History of Indian & Vietnam. Essential Question, Friday; 1/22/16: Essential Question, Friday; 1/22/16: What was the Muslim League? Warm-Up Warm-Up: Which European power colonized India? Today We Will: 1. Part 4 of Gandhi DVD
E.Q. Answer for Friday 1/22/16: An organization that was formed based on their desire for India’s independence from Great Britain, made up primarily of Muslims. Warm-Up Answer: Great Britain