Opportunities for Older People: Getting the Service Offer Right.


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Presentation transcript:

Opportunities for Older People: Getting the Service Offer Right.

BCM strategic aim 1 Develop services for older people across a continuum of care including independent/assisted living, extra care, specialist dementia and nursing care.

1.Changing demographics Over 50% of children born today in the UK will live to be over 100 NI likely to experience the highest rate of growth in its older population of all UK regions in the coming decades Growth in the numbers of ‘older old’ 85+

2. Increased incidence of Dementia 19,000 people living with dementia in Northern Ireland. Expected to more than triple to 61,000 by Dementia costs the UK more than £26 billion per year.

3.Older people are not a homogenous group from fit and active 55+ through to older old with increasing health frailties.

4.Rising expectations ‘Silver Tsunami’ Many of the models of supported housing and care homes available today may become unacceptable to future generations Current cohort of older people contains a lot of low income tenants - the next cohort mainly home owners.

5.Rising levels of homeownership Most pensioner households in NI are home owners 41% of the 76 – 81 age group willing to consider purchasing a purpose built retirement property (Demos) Despite this – lack of suitable property to purchase

To develop attractive housing options in light of: Depressed housing market Lack of attractive equity release products Public sector austerity Planning restrictions The Challenge

The opportunity Prudential equity release index showed that Homeowners aged over 65+ England and Wales have £611 billion of equity in their property.

Housing our Ageing Population Panel for Innovation (HAPPI) - spectrum of housing options Options fall into 3 groups: 1. Mainstream housing 2. Specialised older people’s housing (usually designated for the over-55s) 3. Residential care, including various forms of care homes

1.Supporting older people in mainstream housing “ The fundamental concern of the older participants in the study was to remain in their own homes” (Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2005) Greatest fear amongst older people is losing their independence (MORI) ‘That little bit of help’ JRF

Outcome for older people 1.Supporting older people in mainstream housing Floating Support Increased capacity to live independently Increased safety and security in the home Increased social contact, confidence and motivation Maximised benefits and improved money management Healthier living

1.Supporting older people in mainstream housing Benefits to Commissioners Strongly in line with government policy direction TYC Dementia strategy HRS Strategy Potential to delay or prevent more costly interventions Delay or prevent admission to residential or nursing care Reduce hospital admissions due to falls

1.Supporting older people in mainstream housing Handyman service Postponing entry into residential care by just one year through adapting people’s homes saves £28,080 per person. (Lang and Buisson 2008, Annual Cost of Care Home Report) Housing adaptations reduce the need for daily visits and reduce or remove costs of homecare (savings range from £1,200 to £29,000 per year)

1.Supporting older people in mainstream housing Community Support Tea Dances Lunch Clubs Holiday Programme Christmas support Programme Befriending

Aim: To work in partnership to support older people with dementia and their carers to live well and with dignity at home 1.Supporting older people in mainstream housing

4caring Dementia Services Home careCarer support Specialist nursing at home Housing support AdvocacyBefriending Benefits advice Information Home adaptations Family carer training Bereavement support Overnight support Social activities

Access to a holistic and connected range of services Supporting government strategies Providing value for money Delaying and preventing the need for more costly services

3. Residential care, including various forms of care homes Kirk House – Housing with care

Memory Lane

Our aim is to provide a Care Village with a continuum of care creating a ‘home for life” where older people including those living with dementia can remain until end of life.

1. Mainstream housing Floating Support 2. Specialised older people’s housing (usually designated for the over-55s) Extra care housing Assisted living 3. Residential care Residential care for dementia Nursing care

Benefits Continuum of care from community support, independent living, supported housing, residential dementia, nursing and end of life Genuine home for life where people can ‘age in place’ Range of tenancies including for sale Couples can stay together Improved quality of life for residents Reduced social isolation – allowing greater opportunities for social contact, neighbourliness and mutual support;
