Root: Cosm- Meaning: universe, world Example: microcosm-small world No Warm-Up today; just Vocabulary -Get your laptop when called upon -Go to our school website and open today’s homework -copy and paste the two speeches attached to google drive -Title your document: “Battle Speeches Your Name”: SHARE with Me!!!
Objective Essential Question: How does language impact our society and culture? Question of the Day: How have leaders used words to motivate and inspire people into action?
Ways to Inspire or Motivate Appeal to Destiny : “You were born for this” Appeal to Patriotism “Americans stand for freedom” Appeal to Values / Community “We stand for greatness and greatness asks this of us.”
Rhetorical Devices Alliteration The initial consonant sound is usually repeated in two neighboring words safe and sound Anaphora The same word or phrase is used to begin successive clauses or sentences Every child must be taught these principles. Every citizen must uphold them. Parallelism Successive clauses or sentences are similarly structured The mediocre teacher tells, The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. (William A. Ward)
Activity You will watch three film clips of great battle speeches For each speech you will do the following: -highlight words that stand out to you -underline lines you find powerful - identify what types of appeals are being used *Remember all types can be used in each speech multiple times
Movie Clips 300 Brave Heart Lord of the Rings Charlie Chapman: The Great Dictator
The Greatest Speech Ever!!! 1940 film the mocks Hitler and Fascism Plot: The character “The Barber” is mistaken for Hynkel (Hitler) and gives a speech the reverses all of Hynkel’s anti-Semitic views and desire to take over the world The Greatest Speech Ever!!!!!
Activity You will complete the same activity for this film as we did for the previous three.