Zymurgy Brewing Beer
What is Beer? A mixture of malted barley, hops and water that is fermented with brewer’s yeast Malted Barley = germinated barley that is then dried and ground into a flour Malted barley develops enzymes that convert starches to sugars (glucose and maltose) Sugars can then be fermented with yeast to make ethanol For maltose (malt): C 12 H 22 O 11 + H 2 O → 4CH 3 CH 2 OH + 4CO 2 For dextrose: C 6 H 12 O 6 → 2CH 3 CH 2 OH + 2CO 2
Brewing 5 stages 1. Mashing – The infusion of malt, water, and crushed cereal grains at a temperature that encourages conversion of the starch sugars 2. Boiling – Concentrates the wort and potentially kills off harmful bacteria 3. Fermentation – The addition of a yeast and hops to the wort – resulting in the formation of ethanol and carbon dioxide (by-product) 4. Aging – 2-24 weeks proteins (dead yeast cells) settle out of the beer and/or are digested by enzymatic action 5. Filtration/Pasteurization – Dead yeast cells etc are filtered out to help with the clarity of the beer, filters can be cellulose or diatomaceous earth), beers may be pasteurized if you drink beer in the US (haha)
Determining the Alcoholic Content Measure the density of the wort before you ferment (g/mL) this is called the Original Gravity OG Measure the density of the fermented beer (g/mL) this is called the Final Gravity FG % Alcohol = (OG – FG) * (mL/g) Proof?
Types of Brewed Beverages (ahem …) Lagers Wheat beers Bitters/Porters Bocks Stouts India Pale Ale Malt Liquors/ Belgian Beers Sake Kvass (Russian barley/rye/malt and fruits) Cider (apples or pears)
Beer Consumption CountryL/person Australia132 Germany100 Austria100 Ireland100 Canada90 Czech Republic90 Estonia91 Lithuania86 Poland84 Venezuela83 Finland83 Slovenia83 United States78 Belgium78 Croatia78 Romania77 Panama75 Netherlands74 United Kingdom74
Destructions Boil water then turn off bunsen add g malt 500 mL deionized water in 600 mL beaker Sterilize fermentor/lock Simmer mins CAREFUL Add 15 – 30 g Dextrose And reheat carefully Pipette 5 mL wort into a weighed small beaker get density Add 0.1 – 0.2 g hops And simmer for 15 mins (top up volume with H 2 O when necessary) Warm up the fermentor (prevent thermal shock) Cool wort in ice bath At 30 o C add pinch yeast Wait 2 weeks