Who sat on throne Married her cousin Prince Albert She was hearted broken after his death She died at 80 years of age Queen Victoria
The economies of Europe expanded Improvement to the steam engine technology Global economy/huge amounts of wealth were created Solely to the middle class New market economy favored industry over agriculture Large numbers of farmers left. Seeking work in factories, cities were overwhelmed
The majority of writers spoke out Essayist Thomas Carlyle Elizabeth Barret-Browings poet produce The Cry of the children Novelist Charles Dickens Novelist & essayist focused on realities & directly addressed the social problems rather than fancy
Romantic period poetry was the dominant genre Novels was the most important in Victorian period William Thackeray, Vanity Fair, satirical view Anne, Charlotte, Emily-Wuthering Heights example of gothic Romanticism Thomas Hardy, forerunner for Modernist Movement Children literature became growth industry Comic verse /Victorian Era/Oscar Wilde Science, philosophy Charles Darwin Philosophical writings John Stuart Mill Nature writing/ Alfred Lord Tennyson Serial publication in magazines/journals became more popular
English Novelist and Poet Born 1816 in Thornton Yorkshire Parents: Maria & Patrick Bronte Raise with 5 Siblings: Maria, Elizabeth, Emily, Anne, and Branwell 1820 family moved to the village of Haworth Mother died of Cancer
Mr. Bronte sent daughters to the Clergy Daughters’ School School affected her health Two sisters died Childhood imaginations Charlotte continued her education 1833 She wrote The Green Dwarf 1835/38 She returned as a teacher 1839 A position as governess 1842 traveled to Brussels to enroll at boarding school 1844 She tried to open own school but it failed
May 1846 Charlotte, Emily, Anne published a collection of poetry Charlotte’s first manuscript The Professor 1847 Jane Eyre was published 1848 Charlotte began to work second manuscript Shirley/later published 1849 Third novel last published in her life time Villette 1853
Before publication of Vilette she received a proposal from Arthur Bell Nichols She initially turn him down & her father objected Jan 1854 she accepted persuaded by friend Elizabeth, gained fathers approval, April married in June. Charlotte became pregnant soon after & died with unborn child March 31,1855 age of 38
Charlotte’s first novel The Professor was published posthumously 1857 Emma published posthumously 1860