© 2013 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency Using Collaborative Instructional Log information to develop an Individual Transition Plan Pamela Bell, Ph.D. Texas Transition Conference Austin, Texas February 21, 2013
2 The Building RtI Capacity Project Funded by the Texas Education Agency to: Develop and disseminate resources to facilitate RtI implementation in Texas schools Partner with Education Service Center (ESC) RtI Liaisons to provide professional development to educators Maintain the Web site: buildingRTI.utexas.org © 2013 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency
3 Key components of RTI © 2013 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency All students receive high-quality core content area instruction. All students are screened to identify those who are making adequate grade-level progress and those who are falling behind and at risk for learning difficulties. At-risk students are provided with immediate, evidence-based intervention instruction. At-risk students’ progress is monitored frequently to ensure the intervention is meeting their needs. Professional development is provided to educators to enhance the instruction and intervention they provide.
4 A Four-Legged Stool for RTI Student Success Assessment Instruction Intervention Professional Development
5 Definition of RTI © 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency “RTI is the practice of From: National Association of State Directors of Special Education. (2005). Response to intervention: Policy considerations and implementation. Alexandria, VA: Author. (1)providing high-quality instruction/intervention matched to student needs and (2)using learning rate over time and level of performance to (3)make important education decisions. These three components of RTI are essential.”
6 Differentiated instruction IS NOT: –Using only whole-class instruction –Using small groups that never change –Using the same reading text with all students –Using the same independent seatwork assignments for the entire class Differentiated instruction IS: –Using assessment data to plan instruction and group students –Teaching targeted, small groups –Using flexible grouping (changing group membership based on student progress, interests, and needs) –Matching instructional materials to student ability –Tailoring instruction to address student needs RTI instruction = Differentiated instruction
7 Key elements of Tier I instruction Core content area instruction that focuses on the grade-specific essential components Research-based instructional practices Systematic assessment of ALL students three times per year Ongoing professional development to provide teachers with the necessary tools to ensure every student receives high-quality instruction
8 High-Quality Intervention Targets struggling learners (e.g., identified by assessments given three times per year) Includes additional, targeted instruction in the essential components that have the highest impact on student learning Involves frequent progress monitoring (e.g., every 2 weeks) to see that learning gaps are closing Uses assessment data to inform instruction (e.g., grouping, planning/delivering effective lessons, scaffolding instruction)
9 Teachers intensify intervention when students do not respond adequately Scaffold student learning through additional time for direct, explicit intervention instruction Increase opportunities for students to respond and receive immediate corrective feedback Increase opportunities for students to practice to automaticity
10 Collaborative Instructional Log Facilitates communication among educators who work with a student Documents an intervention plan and student’s responses over time Includes short term goals and strategies taught Provides progress monitoring data © 2011 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency
11© 2011 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency
12 Review RTI information for Transition IEP With your partner, study Marie’s Collaborative Instructional Log: Identify information that will inform planning for transition Identify ways the form could be modified to capture transition planning considerations
13 Use RTI information to develop proposed Transition IEP goals With your partner, use Marie’s Collaborative Instructional Log information to develop a proposed Transition IEP goal
14 Project Team Contact Information Pamela Bell, Ph.D. Desir é e Pallais Kathleen Walker © 2011 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency