D ATA SEARCHING There are two ways to search for data: Either obtain the data from a secondary source such as the internet. Or design an experiment or setup where you yourself can search for data.
H OW TO DATA SEARCH In science there many types of experiments, however the method of recording of data has changed due to the advancement in technology. Equipment that is available today : Sensors Computers Database Software
S ENSORS With the combination of a computer and a data logging software, and sensors we are able to conduct our own searches in a quicker and more efficient manner. Sensors for conducting experiments include : Pressure sensors Temperature sensors Atmospheric sensors Ph Sensor Motion sensor All these sensors can be used for data searching in the real world
C OLLECTING D ATA Using Appropiate software and the sensors anyone can collect data and store it on a piece of hardware. The modern way of collecting data has become more accurate and efficient
A DVANTAGES AND D ISADVANTAGES Advantages Accurate No human error Can work 24/7 More frequent readings Disadvantages Technical problems can cause loss of readings They can easily be set off
S OCIAL AND E THICAL ISSUES Ethical issues Reliability Security Social issues People can become too reliant on the equipment. Environmentally friendly Time efficient
P ROCESSING AND A NALYZING D ATA The data available can be processed in many ways such as : Graphs Tables Equations
D ATA PROCESSING Computer data Processing is any process that uses a computer program to enter data and summarize, analyze or convert data into useful information This includes : Recording Analyzing Sorting, Summarizing Calculating Disseminating Storing