Time Between the Testaments Intertestamental Period or “Silent Years” Approx. 430 – 2 B.C. (or 432 – 5 B.C.)
What is Happening? Predictions of the book of Daniel move forward Medo-Persian Empire loses land to the Greeks, who lose land (and power) to the Romans Greeks bring a new trade language to the world (Hellenistic Greek) Romans build roads, law and order Time for the Messiah to Come!
History Many different rulers –Cyrus the Great (rebuild the temple and go back to Jerusalem!) –Alex the Great –Ptolemy (Hellenization) –Seleucid rulers (very anti-Judaism; went so far as to kill temple priests and turned “the” temple in Jerusalem into a shrine for Zeus!) Maccabean Revolt (166 – 142 B.C.) Hasmonean Dynasty ruled, but they eventually became corrupt, too! Civil War among Jews. Romans “took care of the situation” and gained control in 63 B.C.
Literature Septuagint (LXX): Hebrew Scripture (OT) translated into the vernacular Greek – enabled more to become Jewish – valuable to early Christians Apocrypha: Books written during this time –Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches accept them as part of the “canon” Dead Sea Scrolls –Qumran on NW shore of Dead Sea –1/3 are copies of Hebrew Scripture, also commentaries, secular documents, etc.