Macbeth Act IV
Scene i Witches are gathered, they are circling a pot throwing ingredients in. Hecate appears and compliments them on their work. “By the pricking of my thumbs, / Something wicked this way comes” (IV.i.61–62). One of the most famous lines by Shakespeare. After lines above Macbeth enters scene.
Scene i cont. Macbeth asks to know his future once again. The witches show him three apparitions: –A floating head warns him to beware Macduff –Then a bloody child appears and tells him that “none of woman born / shall harm Macbeth” (IV.i.96–97). –Next, a crowned child holding a tree tells him that he is safe until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane Hill. –Finally, a procession of eight crowned kings walks by, the last carrying a mirror. Banquo’s ghost walks at the end of the line. Macbeth demands to know the meaning of this final vision, but the witches perform a mad dance and then vanish. Lennox tells Macbeth that Macduff has fled so Macbeth decides to kill Macduff’s family.
Scene ii Lady Macduff is talking to Ross and is angry her husband has gone to England She feels abandoned and alone Ross leaves her A messenger comes to warn her she is in danger but she does not believe him Killers come in and stab son for calling them liars, Lady runs and is chased off stage.
Scene iii Malcolm does not trust Macduff when he appears in England Macduff is able to prove his loyalty to Scotland by standing up for his country when Malcolm pretends to be an ill-fit king just as Macbeth has been which wins him over to Malcolm’s favor. Ross enters and begs the prince to return to Scotland
Scene iii cont. Malcolm agrees to return and fight once the King of England provides him with the ten thousand soldiers he has promised Ross breaks down and tells Macduff about his family’s murder Macduff vows to avenge his family and kill Macbeth