EDT 2005 Conference Adobe: Demonstration Theme Session Incorporating ‘non print-on-paper’ creative material into research degree outputs: challenges, examination and access. Rebecca Harris Research Degrees Coordinator, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney.
‘Non traditional’ frameworks In the Humanities and Social Sciences Non traditional PhD, Masters by Research Doctor of Creative Arts, Master of Creative Arts Creative outputs Fiction and non fiction, script & screen writing Video, film, documentary CD ROM, DVD Web, multimedia, exhibition, installation How to represent and preserve in examination and storage
Formats Higher level creative practice incorporating theory within a disciplinary framework Case study: Visual and aural artworks that are an exposition and exploration of the theoretical work Mounted on a multimedia website as a randomised journey multilayered, multi component site that navigates through text, moving images, static randomised images and soundscapes.
Examination and access URL and maintenance How to service problems Corruption of the examination process Technical difficulties Equipment Software Plug ins Non reporting of problems – unaware of limits Inability to use portable media
Creative issues Conceptualisation of the creative product and creative practice Servicing physical needs not creative needs Prioritising practical issues and considering creative practice as secondary Need to find better ways of integrating traditional and non traditional media to allow appropriate coherence of theoretical and creative work
Challenges Access to software through institutions Training in software use Standard protocols Managing obsolescence Not a technical luxury, an integrated part of research at this level.