I Induction E.S. Tunis and Associates Inc. Welcome to ESTA’s learning design workshop. The ideas developed in this workshop will set the foundation for the induction learning experience and will drive the learning design activities of ESTA. Thank you for joining us! We look forward to hearing your ideas. ”“ March 25 & 26, UNICEF Offices, Geneva
PROJECT OVERVIEW Learner Profile Diversity of employment scenarios; level of experience; broader pool of candidates Research Build learning inventory & map essential competencies The Challenge: How can we build meaningful learning experiences for our cluster coordinators and information managers that will maximize our return on investment in training and will result in improved individual and cluster performance? 1 Analyze Identify strengths, gaps and opportunities 2 Evidence to Support Decision Making Prioritize Discuss learning priorities and opportunities across the clusters; identify three to four areas of focus 3 Design Learning opportunities, competency assessment, learning paths, LMS integration, learning evaluation, learning impact 4 Strategic Considerations Sustainability Funding, integration, growth in reliance on SPB Approach to Learning Balance between structured learning, social learning, on-the- job learning rosters I
I WORKSHOP AGENDA – DAY 1 Welcome and Introductions Getting to know each other – those participating via conference call and in-person. Target Audience Clarity regarding the target audience for the induction learning experience. Understanding the Big Picture Induction as a process, not a standalone event. Just-in-Time vs. Just-in-Case Differentiating between content that is “need to know” versus “nice to know.” Learning Design Lab – Phase 1 Post-Hire Induction Learning Design Lab – Phase 2 Pre-Deployment Induction Review and Wrap-Up BREAK LUNCH BREAK
I WORKSHOP AGENDA – DAY 2 Introductory Comments Opportunity to reflect on the work that has been accomplished to date. Learning Design Lab – Phase 3 Deployment Induction Technical Content vs. Generic Competencies Building a consistent approach and result, while also allowing for technical content to vary across the clusters / AoRs. Review and Wrap-Up Post-Hire Induction BREAK
TARGET AUDIENCE General Description Demographics Knowledge & Experience Technical Expectations I
UNDERSTANDING THE BIG PICTURE I HIRE TRAVEL RECRUITMENT START DATE POST-HIREPRE-DEPLOYMENT DEPLOYMENT Key Learning Design Concept Induction is a process, not a standalone event Where and when are the key entry points for new cluster coordinators and information managers?
UNDERSTANDING THE BIG PICTURE EXPECTATIONS What are your expectations regarding this learning experience? ? OUTCOME What are we trying to accomplish through this learning experience? ? SUCCESS At the conclusion of this learning experience, what will success look like from the perspective of (1) the cluster / AoR, and (2) the individual participant? ? I
JUST-IN-TIME LEARNING VS. JUST-IN-CASE LEARNING I JiC Better to err on the side of too much rather than not enough information. JiT Information is organized according to what is most important for success at each stage of the induction experience. What is critical that the new hire learn at each stage of the induction experience?
R LEARNING DESIGN LAB – PHASE 1: POST-HIRE I HIRE TRAVEL RECRUITMENT START DATE POST-HIREPRE-DEPLOYMENT DEPLOYMENT R Review Have we identified all of the critical learning content that a new hire needs for this Phase? Do any adjustments need to be made? LC Learning Content Describe the experiences, scenarios, failures and on-the-ground realities that you have faced associated with the learning content for this Phase. LD Learning Delivery What effective and/or innovative learning techniques can be used at this Phase to ensure optimal learning absorption? & Roles & Responsibilities Who should be responsible for leading the induction learning experience during this Phase?
R LEARNING DESIGN LAB – PHASE 2: PRE-DEPLOYMENT I HIRE TRAVEL RECRUITMENT START DATE POST-HIREPRE-DEPLOYMENT DEPLOYMENT R Review Have we identified all of the critical learning content that a new hire needs for this Phase? Do any adjustments need to be made? LC Learning Content Describe the experiences, scenarios, failures and on-the-ground realities that you have faced associated with the learning content for this Phase. LD Learning Delivery What effective and/or innovative learning techniques can be used at this Phase to ensure optimal learning absorption? & Roles & Responsibilities Who should be responsible for leading the induction learning experience during this Phase?
R LEARNING DESIGN LAB – PHASE 3: DEPLOYMENT I HIRE TRAVEL RECRUITMENT START DATE POST-HIREPRE-DEPLOYMENT DEPLOYMENT R Review Have we identified all of the critical learning content that a new hire needs for this Phase? Do any adjustments need to be made? LC Learning Content Describe the experiences, scenarios, failures and on-the-ground realities that you have faced associated with the learning content for this Phase. LD Learning Delivery What effective and/or innovative learning techniques can be used at this Phase to ensure optimal learning absorption? & Roles & Responsibilities Who should be responsible for leading the induction learning experience during this Phase?
TECHNICAL CONTENT VS. GENERIC COMPETENCIES I Specific to each cluster / AoR How can the ESTA team partner with each cluster / AoR to build an induction learning experience that is consistent in terms of approach and result, while also allowing for technical content to vary across the clusters / AoRs? Technical Content + Outlined in UNICEF’s Cluster Coordination Strategy Generic Competencies
I Induction