PPG067 Physics Statements Michael P. McCumber and Barbara Jacak August + September, 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

PPG067 Physics Statements Michael P. McCumber and Barbara Jacak August + September, 2006

25 September 2006Michael P. McCumber & Barbara Jacak 2 Figure 3 rms increases with npart kurtosis decreases rapidly from near- gaussian values away side peak dispacement is consistent with 0 in dAu & peripheral AuAu. rapidly increases to about 1 rad.

25 September 2006Michael P. McCumber & Barbara Jacak 3 Mechanisms for away-side modification Mach Cone Cherenkov Gluon-Radiation Wake Waves Medium-induced gluon radiation at large emission angles Damping of jet by strongly coupled medium (via AdS/CFT)

25 September 2006Michael P. McCumber & Barbara Jacak 4 Mach Cones – Renk & Ruppert hep-ph/ Mach cone survives expansion! Longitudinal flow → better Δφ signal from a Mach Cone Data → large fractional of energy deposited in collective, propagating mode AwayNear→

25 September 2006Michael P. McCumber & Barbara Jacak 5 Mach Cones – Chaudhuri & Heinz hydro simulations: assume lost energy instantaneously thermalized No Mach cone produced Large energy loss scenarios give “splash-back” signal rejected by data PRL97, (2006)

25 September 2006Michael P. McCumber & Barbara Jacak 6 Mach Cones – Jorge & Edward Modified away side peak shape is due to propagation of a sound wave Speed of sound intermediate between QGP (c s =  0.33) and hadron gas (c s =  0.2) First order phase transition causes existence of region with c s =0. This would give a reflected wave, and 2 nd peak at  =1.4 rad NP A774, 577 (2006) & hep-ph/

25 September 2006Michael P. McCumber & Barbara Jacak 7 Mach Cones – Jorge & Edward hep-ph/ No clear (or even unclear) evidence for second peak in ppg032 result

25 September 2006Michael P. McCumber & Barbara Jacak 8 Run 4 AuAu not here either… (maybe in 0-5% bin?)

25 September 2006Michael P. McCumber & Barbara Jacak 9 Cherenkov – Koch, Majumder, Wang Cherenkov production has “a strong dependence on the gluon momentum” & will “disappear for high-energy gluons” D values will “gradually” shrink as associated momentum is increased. Not consistent with our data PRL 96, (2006) Paul C’s AN

25 September 2006Michael P. McCumber & Barbara Jacak 10 Wake Waves – Ruppert, Muller Excite either a density wave or a plasma collective mode (plasmon) Sub-sonic partons drag along a screening cloud as a wake (the response of plasma to color charge) Super-sonic partons create Mach cone signal If plasma is strongly coupled, high p parton excites plasma oscillations analogous to Cherenkov radiation (but it looks like Mach cone…) PL B618, 123 (2005)

25 September 2006Michael P. McCumber & Barbara Jacak 11 Large angle gluon emission -- Vitev PL B630, 178 (2005) Predicted angles are typically smaller than observed. p T dependence in central collisions (like the data) Average scattering angle decreases with path length This contrasts our centrality dependence!

25 September 2006Michael P. McCumber & Barbara Jacak 12 large angle gluon emission #2 Polosa & Salgado hep-ph/ Look at symmetric & asymmetric gluon splittings (asym ~ like Vitev) p T trigger ~ p T associated restrict signal to a small number of splittings Smaller qhat & larger  radiated – gluons more collinear. So effects should disappear at smaller pTassoc at 62 than 200 GeV. can we say anything about this? Vitev does opacity expansion, they use BDMPS

25 September 2006Michael P. McCumber & Barbara Jacak 13 AdS/CFT correspondence of gravity in 5D string theory & field theory similar (but not identical) to QCD → field properties in limit of super strong coupling. Friess, et al. (hep-th/ ) stress tensor →wake of directional emission at p = several times the temperature see also Casalderry &Teaney (nucl-th/ ) Liu, Rajagopal, Wiedemann (hep-ph/ ) on qhat

25 September 2006Michael P. McCumber & Barbara Jacak 14 Figure 3 universal curve with N part ! data imply: away side jet splitting is a property of the medium, rather than the specific collision system successful models include strong medium response to jet