The Homefront , EQ: How did the American war effort in Vietnam lead to rising protests and social divisions back home? 1
Selective Service most of the 2.5 million who served were poor working class disproportionate rate of AA casualties 15 million men received deferments college students and certain jobs many left for Canada changed to lottery system in 1969 widespread resistance to the draft draft cards burned 2
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) students at the U of Michigan organized against the war in ‘64 UC Berkeley students were forbidden to organize on campus started the Free Speech Movement 3
Credibility Gap LBJ’s optimism did not match what people saw on TV people began to distrust the government Vietnam Veterans Against the War grew from 6 to 40,000 members Hey, hey LBJ, how many kids have you killed today? Eighteen today, dead tomorrow! Make love, not war! Hell no, we won’t go! Trust no one over thirty! 4
Tet Offensive, ,000 Vietcong caught U.S. by surprise on Vietnamese New Year attacked all across S. Vietnam military win for US but publicity victory for Vietcong 2000 US dead 50,000 Vietcong dead severe blow to US confidence in the war 5
Election of 1968 LBJ refused to run for re-election RFK was killed major riots broke out in Chicago at the Democratic Convention Nixon promised “peace with honor” the “Silent Majority” 1968 RRichard M. Nixon31,785, DHubert Humphrey31,275, AIGeorge Wallace9,906,