William G. Morgan
Holyoke, Massachusetts
To score points be striking the ball into (unreturned) opponent’s court
Ball Handling, Serve, Pass, Spike, Block, Dig
Left Front, Center Front, Right Front, Left Back, Center Back, Right Back
Team-2 teams of 6 players Winner-team who scores 25 points (win by 2) Time-N/A Start Game-with a serve from behind the end line and drop anywhere in the opponents court
Offense-has up to 3 hits to get the ball over the net Defense-spread out and protects the lines/court Server-1 serve attempt Offense-scores on a defensive miss or out of bounds Defense-scores on an offensive miss, out of bounds, or hit into the net Side out-offensive team miss or out of bounds and the ball goes to the other team. Cannot touch or crossover/under net with body Ball can be played off net (volley) but not serve Ball contacted with hands or arms
Player cannot block a serve Boundaries-stand anywhere between the sidelines and endlines Ball hits line is good Serving Rotation-clockwise each time they win the serve
Unreturned Ball= 1 point
If you have and show unsportsmanlike conduct, its an automatic point for the other team
Is when you call score, walk around net, not touching net, compliment play
serve, attack, back court, cross court, decoy, floater, game, set, kill, side out, strong side, weak side, penetration, alley, ready position
Call ball, body into net, arms passing
Court 60X30 feet
Sport happens in both indoors and outdoors and
Ball, Net, and Standards
First called Mintonette Formed from tennis and handball Triple crown-win the Olympic games, World Cup, World Championships FACT (Force, Angle, Contact Point, Trajectory)