Thank you for agreeing to take part in the UALR Department of Nursing preceptorship. This is an important aspect of the students education, and serves as a culmination of the clinical portion of this course. We appreciate your willingness to take part in this learning exercise. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the course faculty
All preceptors must have: ◦ Current and unencumbered registered nursing license in the state of Arkansas ◦ Minimum of 1 year full time clinical experience as a Registered Nurse ◦ Minimum of 1 year full time employment at current health facility
Must be a registered nurse in an acute care setting Recommendation by current supervisor, director, or employing agency BSN or higher degree is preferred
Preceptors should: ◦ Complete the UALR online preceptor orientation ◦ Review preceptor handbook ◦ Complete and electronically sign UALR Department of Nursing Preceptor Profile form (located on last page of preceptor handbook) ◦ Once signed please save the page and it back to
Preceptors will ◦ Meet with the students to contract for clinical times, discuss student objectives, and indicate acceptance of those objectives ◦ Assume the teaching, supervisory, and evaluative function of the preceptor role ◦ Complete formal student evaluation of student at the end of 36 hours. ◦ Contact faculty as needed to clarify roles
The student will: ◦ Apply principles of management in: time management delegation team building conflict management
The student will: Develop effective teaching strategies for patients, families, peers, and unit personnel Use critical thinking in applying the nursing process to patient care Demonstrate the roles of the Associate Degree Nurse
Students can perform all skills the RN is comfortable with the student performing unless otherwise specified by hospital policy
Role model the practice role of the RN with expertise and professionalism ◦ Students need as many role models in the RN role as they can get Identify learning experiences for the student ◦ Sometimes students are nervous about this new experience and identification of learning experiences helps them overcome their anxiety
Explain management techniques as the opportunities arise Allow the student to assume the role of the RN in decision making ◦ This is the biggest objective for the preceptorship Actively stimulate critical thinking by use of questions/discussions
Do’s ◦ Remember what it was like when you were a student and a new graduate ◦ Think out loud ◦ Expect and encourage questions ◦ Help the student to critically think Why are they doing what they are doing? ◦ Set daily goals ◦ Use humor and compassion
Do Not ◦ Be unpleasant if the student forgets something you think should be easy (they are students still) ◦ Gossip with the student ◦ Be confrontational with the student No physical or verbal confrontations ◦ Push students to do any aspect of the role they are unclear on or uncomfortable with. Discuss this with them and find out why they are uncomfortable
The preceptor and faculty are colleagues of common cause and your input is important and highly valued. It is important to maintain ongoing contact and open communication with course faculty throughout the preceptor experience, especially regarding concerns or problems. Problems can often be addressed and corrected easily at first recognition.
Contact the Faculty for Nursing 2350: Dr. Preston Molsbee, RN, MSN (office) Or Bryan Benton, RN, MSN (office)