Peloton Member Survey Results Nichole Crandall ORE Market Research 2/2/2016
Objectives: Assess services and communication channels Understand how well we living our values Evaluate member needs for program development ORE Market Research Peloton Member Survey Methods: survey to current members, 2 week collection Census to all members 52 out of 70 responded for a 74% response rate Characteristics of respondents are representative to the population
Peloton Assessment of Services ORE Market Research
Services Strengths: Ways to connect professionally and socially. Ambassador helpfulness and hospitality. Snack time and coffee! ORE Market Research Peloton Member Survey Services Opportunities: Improve basic tech support, printing & faxing, internet reliability. Asses space for work, phone and meetings. More opportunities for professional development.
Peloton Services Assessment ORE Market Research Peloton Member Survey Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Not a Need I've made at least one friend77%23%0% 10% I can be myself73%27%0% Comfortable talking about my business71%29%0% 6% I made real connections with real …68%26%6%0%2% I can be productive when working63%35%2%0% People care about my success62%33%4%0%6% There's always someone to talk to61%33%7%0%4% I belong to a community56%34%8%2%4% I feel inspired in my work52%30%15%2%4% I find information or skills50%36%11%2%8% There is a strong sense of community50%42%8%0% I find it easy to give help to others45%40%15%0%2% I find it easy to get help from others38%49%13%0%6% I've received business leads through…36% 19%8%25% I stay more accountable to my goals29%63%7%0%15% I have found paying clients through…27%21%33%18%31%
Values Strengths: Making friends/connections with people who care. People feel comfortable being themselves and talking about what they do. People feel they can be productive at Peloton ORE Market Research Peloton Member Survey Values Opportunities: Make it easier to give and get help. Help members find ways to be accountable to their goals. Help members find more leads that could lead to paying clients.
Accelerating Success: ORE Market Research Peloton Member Survey Which of the above skills would allow you to advance in your business or career the most? (Rate of combined first or second choices) Marketing32% Business planning and strategy26% Web development22% Professional and personal coaching19% Financials15% Goal setting and execution (accountability)14% Rank how helpful the following resources would be to moving you forward in your work or business (Top choice) Encouragement38% Strategy36% Skills or Information33%
Who Needs Help & Who can provide:
Overall Satisfaction: ORE Market Research Peloton Member Survey Response ChoicesRate Completely agree 73% Somewhat agree 23% Somewhat disagree 4% Grand Total100% “I am very satisfied with the value my Peloton membership brings”
Summary of Findings: ORE Market Research Peloton Member Survey Strengths Making friends and connections with real people who care about our success. People feel comfortable being themselves and talking about what they do. People feel they can be productive at Peloton. Connecting professionally and socially. Helpfulness and hospitality of Ambassadors. Snack time and coffee! Opportunities Improve basic tech support, printing & faxing, internet reliability. Asses space for work and phone calls (good to great). More opportunities for professional development. Make it easier to give and get help. Help members find ways to be more accountable to their goals. Help members find more leads that could lead to paying clients.
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