Tina M Black, RHU Colorado Springs City of Colorado Springs and Springs Utilities 2002 Annual Report February 27, 2003 Attachment I
City of Colorado Springs and Springs Utilities Medical/Rx Enrollment and Claims Cost PEPM
3 Marsh City of Colorado Springs and Springs Utilities Average Monthly Medical/Rx Enrollment Plan YearEPOMid-EPOSwingCoreTotal 20023, , , , , ,124 % Change from %+99.8%-8.3%0%+1.2% % Change from %+183.5%-15.4%-17.9%+2.5%
4 Marsh City of Colorado Springs - Sworn Retirees Average Monthly Medical/Rx Enrollment Plan YearEPOMid-EPOSwingCoreTotal % Change from %+67.9%-21.7%+18.8%-2.8% % Change from %+123.8%-33.3%-5.0%-3.1%
5 Marsh City of Colorado Springs and Springs Utilities Average Monthly Medical/Rx Claims Cost PEPM Plan Year EPO Mid-EPO Swing Core Rx Total 2002 $ $ $ $ $79.05 $ $ $ $ $ $75.88 $ $ $ $ $ $87.60 $ % Change from % +29.7% % -69.3% +4.2% -3.4% % Change from % +42.2% +56.2% -11.8% -9.8% +0.6%
6 Marsh City of Colorado Springs - Sworn Retirees Average Monthly Medical/Rx Claims Cost PEPM Plan Year EPO Mid-EPO Swing Core Rx Total 2002 $ $1, $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $79.48 $ $ % Change from % % % -63.3% +5.0% +20.7% % Change from % +84.7% % +69.1% -4.7% -14.9%
7 Marsh City of Colorado Springs and Springs Utilities Historical Medical/Rx Claims Cost Graph (All Employees)
8 Marsh City of Colorado Springs - Sworn Retirees Large Claimants over $50,000 Paid Claims $80,584 $171,206 $382,705
9 Marsh City of Colorado Springs and Springs Utilities Estimated Plan Status through 12/31/02 Medical/RxDental VisionTotal Estimated Deposits$23.52 M$2.91 M $718,908$27.1M Estimated Expenses$20.98 M$2.93 M $586,964$24.5 M Surplus/Deficit$2.54 M-$26,770 +$131,944+$2.6 M Loss Ratio89.2%100.9% 81.6% 90.2%
10 Marsh City of Colorado Springs - Sworn Retirees Estimated Plan Status through 12/31/02 Medical/Rx Estimated Deposits$1,679,596 Estimated Expenses$1,905,320 Surplus/Deficit-$225,724 Loss Ratio 113.4%