Proposal for PA’S PAWS By Better Options for New Enterprises (B.O.N.E.)
What we do ! Business Analysis using Statistical Process Control principles to establish baseline reference points to evaluate business profitability and develop recommendations for significant improvement. Business proposals developed by B.O.N.E. for specific customers including customer contact management recommendations. Our studies have shown that customers contacted regularly purchase products more often than those that are not.
PA’S PAW Business need: Accountants recently told the owners that profitability of last two quarters has been low and he needs to get a better handle on his business. The owners’ accountants recently referred Pa’s Paws to Better Options for New Enterprises (B.O.N.E.) to evaluate business practices and recommend procedures and policies for improving profitability and customer contact.
PA’S PAWS Position upon which the solution is based. 1)Track products to identify flow and margins. 2)Efficient use of employees and improved customer contact. 3)Accurate inventory control.
PA’S PAWS MISSION To provide the owners of man’s best friend with the highest quality products and customer service. BUSINESS DESCRIPTION Pa’s Paws is a family-owned and operated pet store, specializing in the sale of AKC registered pure breed dogs. In addition to dogs Pa’s Paws also offers a unique assortment of products and customer service. The management team consists of the husband and wife, who are the owners of the business, and a manager who is in charge when the owners are not present.
PA’S PAWS INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS OF THE BUSINESS a)Comprehensive product flow data showing shelf time, profit margins and any trends. b)Patterns and trends for customers showing opportunities for more regular contact and store visits.
PA’S PAWS ASSUMPTIONS (CONTRAINTS) 1)No inventory held longer than historical data dictates. 2)Product sales tracked for date and time of sale to identify any trends and/or stronger sales associates. 3)Product mix will be evaluated for shelf time and profit margin. 4)Product mix will be adjusted to reflect those items that move quickly and have moderate profit margins. 5)Sales and inventory will be evaluated daily. 6)Primary suppliers are identified for each product. 7)Each employee will appear on the schedule even if not allocated work hours (vacations). 8)All employees with the exception of the managers are on hourly wages.
Entity Relationship Diagram
Better Options for New Enterprises Wishes to thank you for your time.