WATER FACTS Facts compiled from: Aquaid, New Internationalist, World Water Forum 3, Water in Schools Change the zoom view so that you can see the slide and the instructions. Right mouse click the globe image click on custom animation. Choose an appropriate animation and click OK Press F5 on your keyboard to view the slide Press Esc on your keyboard to close your presentation Press page down on your keyboard to view the next slide
Copy the following phrase However, only 15% of the world population have access to running water from a tap. Click on text box and drag a box on the bottom of the slide. Paste the phrase into the text box. Change the font style to Arial. On our blue planet 97.5% of the water is saltwater. Less than 1% of freshwater is above ground, amounting to only 0.01% of the Earth’s total water. The number of people with access to clean water has doubled in the last 20 years.
Change the font colour of each number to blue to make them stand out. Also make each one of the numbers bold. The first one has been done for you. 66% of the human body is made up of water. According to nutritionists we should drink at least 1½ litres of water a day. 80% of all illness in developing countries is caused by water related diseases. 90% of wastewater in developing countries is discharged directly into rivers and streams without treatment.
1.1 billion people in the world do not have access to safe water. This is nearly 20% of the population. 2.3 billion people lack adequate sanitation. This is over a third of the world’s population. 2.2 million people, mostly children, die each year from illnesses caused by contaminated drinking water or poor sanitation. 7.2 billion is the estimated world population for By then, the average supply of water per person is expected to drop by a third. Follow these instructions to give all your slides a background. Click on Format Menu Click on Background Click on the drop down menu Click on Fill effects Click on Texture Click on the water image Click OK, Click on Apply Drop down menu Fill Effects
In the title box type Average water use in the UK and Malawi Open water2.xls. Paste your compare chart onto this slide. Create a text box at the bottom of the slide and type some interesting facts about the chart.
Extension Copy and paste some charts from water3.xls and explain what they mean.
In the title box type Conclusion Type some text to complete the two phrases. Use any information you learnt in this project to help you. Water is vital for our survival because We should use our water supplies more responsibly by Copy some images from the water files and add them to some of your slides. Finally make any other appropriate changes to the look of your presentation.