GLAST LAT ProjectDOE/NASA Peer Critical Design Review, March 19-20, 2003 J. Clinton 1 GLAST Large Area Telescope: Electronics, Data Acquisition & Instrument Flight Software Manufacturing Jerry Clinton Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Manufacturing Manager (650) Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope
GLAST LAT ProjectDOE/NASA Peer Critical Design Review, March 19-20, 2003 J. Clinton 2 Requirements 433-MAR-001 GLAST LAT Mission Assurance Requirements LAT-DS GLAST LAT Performance Assurance Implementation Plan All assembly work to be performed in a Class 100,000 clean room Assemblers trained and certified to workmanship standards NASA-STD , , , and
GLAST LAT ProjectDOE/NASA Peer Critical Design Review, March 19-20, 2003 J. Clinton 3 Work Authorization All manufacturing tasks will be performed on approved Assembly and Inspection Data Sheets (work orders) –Responsible Engineer –Manufacturing Engineer –Quality Engineer Assembly or test instructions –Step-by-step procedures –Provisions for operator and inspector sign off –May reference other documents, such as test procedures Work order remains with item until item has passed final inspection Work order completion results in the delivery of an item to project stores Completed work orders are archived by LAT Quality Assurance Manager
GLAST LAT ProjectDOE/NASA Peer Critical Design Review, March 19-20, 2003 J. Clinton 4 Assembly and Inspection Data Sheet
GLAST LAT ProjectDOE/NASA Peer Critical Design Review, March 19-20, 2003 J. Clinton 5 Manufacturing Flow
GLAST LAT ProjectDOE/NASA Peer Critical Design Review, March 19-20, 2003 J. Clinton 6 Manufacturing Flow - Continued Order Parts –All parts approved and on the program PIL –SIB CCAs procured by NRL –EEE parts QPL parts procured from manufacturers on QML and approved distributors –PWBs to be ordered from qualified suppliers –Mechanical parts manufactured at SLAC and qualified machine shops –CPUs are being procured from BAE –All parts received into LAT project stores
GLAST LAT ProjectDOE/NASA Peer Critical Design Review, March 19-20, 2003 J. Clinton 7 Manufacturing Flow - Continued
GLAST LAT ProjectDOE/NASA Peer Critical Design Review, March 19-20, 2003 J. Clinton 8 Manufacturing Flow - Continued Kitting –Triggered by Assembly and Inspection Data Sheet (work order) –Parts issued from inventory to kit Assembly –Performed by approved suppliers –May have selected suppliers perform electrical testing (TBD) –Assemblies –Completed assembly entered into inventory to close work order
GLAST LAT ProjectDOE/NASA Peer Critical Design Review, March 19-20, 2003 J. Clinton 9 Manufacturing Flow - Continued
GLAST LAT ProjectDOE/NASA Peer Critical Design Review, March 19-20, 2003 J. Clinton 10 Manufacturing Flow - Continued Circuit cards tested at SLAC –CCAs issued to test work order –CCAs are tested and returned to stores to close out the test work order End-item assembly parts are issued to assembly work orders and sent to assembly supplier(s) End items are received into project stores as they are received from the assembly supplier End items are issued to test work order for acceptance testing Upon completion of acceptance testing, end items are returned to project stores where are ready for issue to I&T
GLAST LAT ProjectDOE/NASA Peer Critical Design Review, March 19-20, 2003 J. Clinton 11 Non-Conforming Material Handling All non-conformances are documented on a Non-Conformance Report (NCR) –Identifies non-conforming item –Describes non-conformance –Describes environment unit was in at the time the non- conformance was discovered –Implemented using REMEDY Work stopped until NCR is reviewed and dispositioned by Material Review Board –Chaired by Quality Engineer –Supported by responsible engineer, manufacturing engineer, and other specialty engineers as appropriate –NCRs archived in a data base and kept with the item work order
GLAST LAT ProjectDOE/NASA Peer Critical Design Review, March 19-20, 2003 J. Clinton 12 Manufactured Configuration Items
GLAST LAT ProjectDOE/NASA Peer Critical Design Review, March 19-20, 2003 J. Clinton 13 Manufactured Configuration Items
GLAST LAT ProjectDOE/NASA Peer Critical Design Review, March 19-20, 2003 J. Clinton 14 Manufactured Configuration Items
GLAST LAT ProjectDOE/NASA Peer Critical Design Review, March 19-20, 2003 J. Clinton 15 Manufactured Configuration Items
GLAST LAT ProjectDOE/NASA Peer Critical Design Review, March 19-20, 2003 J. Clinton 16 Manufactured Configuration Items
GLAST LAT ProjectDOE/NASA Peer Critical Design Review, March 19-20, 2003 J. Clinton 17 Manufactured Configuration Items