Introduction to Pix Writer and Picture It About: Pix Writer/Picture It is by Slater Software, Inc. Ability Level: Grades 2-4 Interest Level: Grades 2-5 What Pix Writer/Picture It can do: Build early literacy skills Increase word mastery for non-readers Speech feedback facilitates independent learning Costs anywhere from $199-$700
Introduction to Pix Writer and Picture It (Continued) Pix Writer is the easy-to-use tool that will let your students have successful early writing experiences. Young students write by selecting pictures and word buttons while built-in speech gives them immediate feedback on their selections. To create picture keyboards, teachers simply type words and pictures are automatically inserted. Teachers can also create talking documents for early reading experiences. Pix Writer includes more than 1800 age-appropriate symbol/word pairings, (Don, 1).
Benefits Great for students who: Are non-readers Need text supported with pictures Are developing early literacy skills Motivates students to write by pairing words with pictures Built-in speech ability gives students immediate feedback Allows students to write whole words, sentences, stories and express original thought
Benefits Built-in Spanish capacity Helps teach phonemic awareness and boosts vocabulary, reasoning, and comprehension levels Can save and print documents that are exactly what you see on the computer Easy accessibility for all including an adapted keyboard and mouse Teachers and parents can setup a PixWriter vocabulary to prepare lessons
Benefits Simple display options let teachers keep up with students' needs as they grow from beginning skills to more word choices Flexible enough so that it is appropriate for preschoolers with or without disabilities as well as adults who have developmental delays, or have suffered traumatic brain injury or stroke Can make picture cue cards, picture directions, and there is a shopping list generator
Students with Disabilities Allows the user to compose written materials even if his/her knowledge of spelling skills, sound- symbol relationships, or the alphabet is not fully developed You can easily customize and organize the setup to fit a student's ability, IEP objectives, language and writing levels Students with disabilities may lack beginning writing experiences because they can't hold a pencil, draw pictures or make letters
(Slater, 1)
How to Use Pix Writer Type a word into the large, white box. The word you just you typed will be accompanied with a picture. For example, if you type in the word “cat,” a picture of a cat will appear above it. The merlin (or whoever you have chosen to be the voice), will appear and speak the word you have just typed. Under options, you can change the font, language, number of buttons and the gender of the voice speaking to you.
How to Use Picture It Type a word or a sentence into the story text box. Then click on the “tree” icon in the left sidebar. This will add an appropriate picture above each word that you typed. For example, the word “horse” would have a picture of a horse above it and the word “run” would have a picture of a person running. Just like with Pix Writer, Picture It has multiple options.
For Example… Now, with My Apps in ASU we will show how to use both programs. ps/Default.aspx ps/Default.aspx
Teacher and Student Uses While researching, we found that teacher uses and student uses are one in the same. Teachers can use the program in their everyday lessons to help students with the following… Helps students with… Cognitive delays Speech/language disorders Hearing impairment Learning disabilities Visual disabilities Autism English as a second language Helps students improve their literacy skills.
Resources innerhybri139_pdf.pdf innerhybri139_pdf.pdf resources.htmlhis one is for teacher resources resources.html education/teacher-resources/6640.html education/teacher-resources/6640.html _content&view=article&id=51:special-needs-resource- list&catid=67:special-needs-resources&Itemid=92 _content&view=article&id=51:special-needs-resource- list&catid=67:special-needs-resources&Itemid=92
Resources ower_pack.htm Writer.htm cfm?Category=236 Writer.htm session0123.html
References Don Johnston Incorporated. (2009). PixWriter. In Don Johnston. Retrieved October 5, 2009, from Imaginary Landscape, LLC website: _solutions/software/pixwriter/index.html Slater Software, Inc. (2008). PixWriter v.3.0. In Picture Assisted Literacy. Retrieved October 5, 2009, from