Gender & Non-Gender Specific Cancer
Quick Facts On average, 386 Canadian men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer every week. On average, 407 Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer every week. *DID you know? An estimated 145 MEN will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and 45 of those men with breast cancer will die each year.
Introduction Large amount of statistic are available provided by cancer associations. Personal interest to research about
Thesis Breast cancer causes higher mortality rate and is more commonly diagnose in women in comparison to prostate cancer in men. Gender specific cancer in men and women is more prevalent in comparison to non-gender specific cancer.
Plan and Methodology Data were collected from the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) and the American cancer society(ACS). Raw data collect was narrowed down – There were too many data value (~3000) – ACS provide estimated new case and death – Values were also unclear Statistics used in the analysis were from Canadian Cancer Society. Therefore, it could be bias compare to other countries.
Analysis Different factors considered: – Gender – Mortality Rate – Incidence Rate
Incidence Rate- Females
Mortality Rate- Females
Incidence Rate- Males
Mortality Rate- Males
Incidence Rate- Both Gender
Conclusion Females – Gender specific cancer have higher incidence rate. – Non-gender specific cancer have higher mortality rate.(e.g.Lung cancer) Males – Gender specific cancer also have higher incidence rate. – Non-gender specific cancer have higher mortality rate.
Further Studies Compare different age groups. – 67% of all cancer is diagnosed in people 55+ Racial and ethnic groups. Include different gender cancer sites. Avoid bias by look at different countries.
Reference Canadian Cancer Society. 2004, April. ml