KP5 Primary source 12.11 Anti-Reconstruction cartoon Independent Monitor By Arnold Vazquez
This cartoon represents the Ku Klux Klan hanging the southern society of carpetbaggers and scalawags on March 4, 1868
Anti-reconstruction cartoon Independent Monitor The independent Monitor is the Tuscaloosa, Alabama newspaper . Carpetbaggers were northerners who moved to south after the civil war. (they were named carpetbaggers because they travel with a suit case made of carpet). Scalawags are ex-confederates who believed in the reconstruction of the south (they were called scalawags because the south saw them as traitors). Ku Klux Klan is a secret organization aiming to suppress the newly acquired power of blacks.
HIPPOS H: Tuscaloosa, Alabama newspaper of 1869; Reconstruction era, political cartoon I: Carpetbaggers and Scalawags, which are supporters of the reconstruction of the south. P: is to give a warning to all the carpetbaggers and scalawags about KKK and their intentions to kill them. P: A southern perspective would be that they are angry that they lost the civil war. O: It relates to the civil war because the confederates wanted slavery and the KKK still want to keep those beliefs . S: The reconstruction could be compared to the civil rights movement
Questions 1-2 use the image to answer 1)what does the mule represents? A threat/warning Carpetbaggers Scalawags 2) What does the hanged men represents ? KKK Confederates Union Carpetbaggers/scalawags 3)Why did the KKK hanged those men? They men believe in the anti reconstruction The KKK believe the reconstructions The KKK didn’t believe in the reconstruction They were part of the Union
1-2 use the image to answer 1)what does the mule represents? A threat/warning Carpetbaggers Scalawags 2) What does the hanged men represents ? KKK Confederates Union Carpetbaggers/scalawags 3)Why did the KKK hanged those men? They men believe in the anti reconstruction The KKK believe the reconstructions The KKK didn’t believe in the reconstruction They were part of the Union