Lesley Merritt, Science Specialist CMASE Wiki: cmasescience.pbworks.com Virginia Rhame, Science Specialist NWAESC Wiki: nwaescscience.pbworks.com Introduction to Vernier Website
How to Install LabQuest Emulator oftware/labquest-emulator/
Temperature Probe Cool Reaction Cool Reaction Salt and Ice
Material Needed: LabQuest Motion Detector Graph Matching
Activities: How does the light intensity change? How do fluorescent bulbs compare to other kinds of bulbs? Light Sensor
Reflectivity of Light with Temperature & Light Sensors Video:
Activities: (In no particular order) Browse the other probes. Watch videos on Vernier about how to use the probes. Explore the Vernier Website Browse through the books for ideas on different types of investigations What can you do to make increase student engagement in SEP? Practice with probes already explored. What can you do with the Labquest (save runs, run statistics, etc)? Exploring Books and Other Probes