Bio SS integration meeting with SEERAD Programme 2 23rd November 2006
BioSS organisation Staff (37 in total) based at, or regularly visiting Kings Buildings, Edinburgh the SEERAD Main Research Providers (SCRI, RRI, MLURI, MRI, SAC) BioSS undertakes research, consultancy and training in mathematics and statistics as applied to agriculture, the environment, food and health.
BioSS organisation BioSS activities fall into three inter-linked categories: Consultancy –in support of the 4 research programmes –externally funded consultancy Research –within 3 SEERAD funded research themes –externally funded research Knowledge Transfer –user-friendly software –training for scientists –postgraduate research & training –institute-led KT
BioSS organisation BioSS activities fall into three inter-linked categories: Consultancy –in support of the 4 research programmes –externally funded consultancy Research –within 3 SEERAD funded research themes –externally funded research
3% of the SEERAD research budget is for BioSS to “support SEERAD’s research programme through specialist advice and training, and to provide research in statistics and biomathematics” To support Programmes 1-4: £600K for consultancy £465K for research SEERAD funding
Iain McKendrick Sarah Brocklehurst Ian Nevison Jill Sales Mintu Nath A.N. SAC Inverness Other expertise available within BioSS Consultancy Team, AHW
Formal consultancy –Review of experiments or grant proposals ‘Advisory’ consultancy –Provision of on-site clinics and follow-up activities ‘Collaborative’ consultancy –Identifying improvements for MRPs, finding solutions, facilitating knowledge transfer –Substantial contributions to individual projects Consultancy Activities
Example: Dilution Counts
Example: Real Time PCR
Consultancy –Application of existing statistical and mathematical methods Research –Modification of existing techniques –Development of new methodology Overlap between consultancy and research Work to a standard publishable in international journals Consultancy & Research
Research is applied to an MRP-related problem –identified via consultancy where existing methodology is identified as inadequate Research has to be strategic –of sufficient importance to be worth the use of resources –of sufficient generality to be publishable Research underpins consultancy Consultancy links the stats/maths and biological research areas All BioSS scientific staff work both as consultants and researchers Consultancy & Research
Research fits within the three BioSS research themes –Statistical methodology –Statistical bioinformatics –Process and systems modelling BioSS staff have, or can acquire, the necessary expertise Funding is available (from SEERAD, or elsewhere) Other Criteria for Research
Statistical genomics & Bioinformatics (WP 1.1) –Leader: Dirk Husmeier –Also involved: Frank Wright Process & Systems modelling (WP 2.2) –Leader: Glenn Marion –Also involved: Iain McKendrick, Sarah Brocklehurst Statistical methodology (WP 3.2) –Leader: Chris Glasbey –Also involved: Ian Nevison All themes are linked to Programme 2 BioSS research themes
Programme 2 Group –Iain McKendrick WP 2.1, Control of viral diseases of livestock –Sarah Brocklehurst WP 2.2, Control of bacterial diseases in livestock –Iain McKendrick WP 2.3, Control of parasitic diseases in livestock –Jill Sales WP 2.4, Livestock welfare –Sarah Brocklehurst WP 2.5, Livestock genetics and management for product quality and sustainability –Iain McKendrick/Mintu Nath BioSS/Programme 2 Liaison
Informally, on site: Iain, Jill, Sarah, Ian, Mintu –please feel free to raise any issues, whether you think they relate to consultancy or research –we are happy to have an informal chat –can put you in touch with appropriate BioSS colleagues More formally, via WP meetings –talk to the designated liaison, either in person or by We also aim to have –regular integration meetings –workshops on specific topics Effective interactions
Last year’s roadshow –identified possible links with Programme 2 many of these written into the new Work Packages Today’s event building on last year’s roadshow –to identify strategic inputs required from BioSS in delivering Programme 2 objectives –to facilitate & strengthen existing links –to identify new links –to identify topic which could be followed up in more detail in future workshops Aims of today’s meeting