Erin Shaw Click to go “Home” Introduction Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5
Pretest- Click the link below heet/viewform?f ormkey=dEd0R25i bEpiNDN3Vjl3ckx xbHFIdFE6MA heet/viewform?f ormkey=dEd0R25i bEpiNDN3Vjl3ckx xbHFIdFE6MA ********** When you finish the Pre-test, come back to this slide and click Next(gray arrow) BackNext
1. Introduction Module 1 BackNext *On the following slides, you will have a term and a definition associated with library vocabulary and procedures *Click the right arrow to continue, the left arrow to go back to the previous slide
Person (student or teacher) who uses the library
The task of checking books in and out of the library
Online Public Access Catalog that may be used by patrons to search for books
When a book has been checked out longer than 2 weeks and not returned or renewed
A fee that is charged to a patron when a book is overdue.
To put a book on hold for a patron
All patrons may check out up to 3 materials at a time ● There are several material types explained on the next slide Back
Book (may be fiction or nonfiction) Audio book (includes the PlayAway AND copy of the book) (this counts as 1 material item together) A signed permission form must be turned in to check out an Audio Book Patrons must have their own headphones to listen with Kindle (counts as 1 item) A signed permission form must be turned in to check out a Kindle Patrons may not download any content to the Kindle ***Patrons may not have a Kindle AND an audio book at the same time Example of a Playaway
Patrons materials are checked out for 2 weeks at a time Patrons with overdue materials and/or fines may not check out new materials Patrons may renew overdue books to avoid further late fees (may renew 2 times) Overdue materials are assessed a fee of 5 cents per school day for each day late Materials may be renewed at the circulation counter Materials may be turned in at the circulation counter The GMS Circulation Counter
1. Introduction Module 2 BackNext
Log in to the Atriuum Program (has a blue diamond icon that says Worker Login) 1. Username: Student 2. Password: circ In the menu bar, locate circulation and click on Check Out Items
Type the students barcode (lunch number) in the search bar Scan the book’s barcode to check it out Click on checkout You will see a box that says the checkout was successful
Scan the book(s) to check in (Make sure the cursor is in the search box) When you have the book(s) scanned, click on the check in icon You will see a box that says what is checked in
Any books that need to be put on the reserve shelf should be tagged with a post-it note and placed on the reservation shelf behind the circulation counter Pay attention to colors (especially messages!)
Type in the students barcode Click on Lookup Item Type in the title of the book and press search
You will see a list of book possibilities that match the title- click on the correct one
If a student has an overdue, it will appear in red like the example below. He/she may not check a book out until the book(s) are returned and the fine paid. To recheck an overdue book, type the patrons’ barcode, scan the book and press enter.
You will have to click override in the box that comes up and click “override selected warnings”
If a student is going to pay a fine/fee, type in their barcode You will see the amount in their circulation screen Click on the red Fines Owed amount
Type in the amount they are paying Click on Pay If any change is due- it will show here
Attitude Always remain courteous to our patrons when working at the circulation desk, answering questions and/or giving change Privacy Remember, you may not discuss any records unless you are speaking to the patron him/herself
1. Introduction Module 3 BackNext
Book section for “fake”stories (make-believe) Arranged alphabetically by the first 3 letters of the author’s last name
“Real Information” All books have a number from 001 to 999 on the top line of the spine label Credible sources for research Books are arranged numerically by Dewey Decimal numbers (set of numbers from 001 to 999) where each number (including decimal points) categorize each book If books have the same Dewey number, then the book is arranged alphabetically by the second line which is the first 3 letters of the author or editors last name
If a book has both the same Dewey number and first 3 letters of the last name, then the books are arranged alphabetically by title
Books about “Real” people All books will have BIO on the top line of the spine label Books are arranged alphabetically by the first 3 letters of the famous person’s last name If there are two books about the same person, they are arranged alphabetically by title
Books that contain many short stories either by the same author or several authors All books have SC on the first line of the spine label Books are arranged by the first 3 letters of the author/editors last name If there are more than one book with the same first 3 letters, the books are arranged alphabetically Notice this one is out of order…
Books about Arkansas or by Arkansas authors All books have ARK on the top line of the spine label Books are arranged first by Dewey number, and first 3 letters of authors last name Then fiction books are on same shelf since it is so small- they are arranged by the first three letters of the authors last name
All audio books are in the same area-a low set of book shelves on the north wall When an audio book is returned, open the PlayAway case to make sure all the parts are there and that the PlayAway still works Check to see if the student left his/her headphones- return them if they did Put the PlayAway and the book on the shelf behind the circulation counter Take the corresponding empty box for the PlayAway and place it on the Audio Book Shelf in the main part of the library for students to see that it is available for checkout
Kindles are kept in the school librarian’s office When a Kindle is returned, open the case to make sure the Kindle is there and hasn’t been damaged After checking the Kindle in, place it on the Kindle shelf in the school librarian’s office
Yes, that is correctly shelved. The other shelf has SC Hay in the wrong spot
Sorry- wrong answer: SC Hay should not be between SC Cam and SC Can
1. Introduction Module 4 BackNext
Use the weblinks on the right side of this page to complete an online evaluation of what you know about shelving fiction You will have puzzle piece #2 when you finish du/portfolios/k/ke lly_r/FinalWeb/Re adingCtr/Fiction.h tml du/portfolios/k/ke lly_r/FinalWeb/Re adingCtr/Fiction.h tml du/portfolios/k/ke lly_r/FinalWeb/Re adingCtr/FShelfGa me.html du/portfolios/k/ke lly_r/FinalWeb/Re adingCtr/FShelfGa me.html
1. Introduction Module 5 BackNext
Use the weblinks on the right side of this page to complete an online evaluation of what you know about shelving nonfiction You will have puzzle piece #3 when you finish du/portfolios/k/ke lly_r/FinalWeb/Re adingCtr/Nonfictio n.html du/portfolios/k/ke lly_r/FinalWeb/Re adingCtr/Nonfictio n.html du/portfolios/k/ke lly_r/FinalWeb/Re adingCtr/NoOrder1.html du/portfolios/k/ke lly_r/FinalWeb/Re adingCtr/NoOrder1.html
The unit was created to maximize student library training. You should be able to understand vocabulary associated with the school library, know the policies and procedures for circulation tasks, recognize the categories of materials in the school library and know the difference between fiction and nonfiction materials and how to shelf them. BackNext Unit Summary
1. Introduction Posttest BackNext
Posttest- Click the link below reenbrierschoo heet/viewform ?formkey=dEQz bnNIaTYtMUt4 ZHJOb2JZdU9t N1E6MA#gid=0 reenbrierschoo heet/viewform ?formkey=dEQz bnNIaTYtMUt4 ZHJOb2JZdU9t N1E6MA#gid=0 ******* ***When you finish the Posttest, You may logoff the computer