Lesson 31 Interpersonal Skills 2008 Cindy Barnes M. Ed Career & Technical Education Department San Carlos High School San Carlos, AZ 85550
Lesson 32 Learning Goal n To examine the role of interpersonal skills as an aspect of work ethic, to better appreciate its importance in the workplace, and to develop strategies for improving interpersonal skills
Lesson 33 Development of interpersonal skills n Habits, attitudes, manners, appearance, and behaviors n Heavily influenced by family, television and media, peer group n Perhaps difficult to change n Starting point is recognition of need for change
Lesson 34 Assignment 1 n Answer the questions for the people illustrated l automobile mechanic l attorney and judge l salesman l nurse and doctor l policeman n Record your answers for use in small group discussion
Lesson 35 Assignments 2 & 3 n Assignment 2 l complete the communication style test l discuss communication styles and related issues in small discussion groups n Assignment 3 l complete the interpersonal skills questionnaire l prepare to discuss your responses