Halloween By: Aaron McKinney
Halloween in America Halloween came to America when more and more European settlers came, bringing their beliefs. It was not common in the northern states because of the peoples religious beliefs, but was very popular in Maryland and the other southern states.
Halloween History Halloween originated at the festival of Samhain, held by the Celts who were natives to present day Ireland, England, and northern France. The Celtic new year was November first, which was the end of the harvest time and beginning of winter, which usually was associated with death. They thought that on October 31 st, the night before, the dead would come back to Earth. They would wear costumes, which were usually animal hides and heads, to honor the deceased.
Jack O’ Lanterns Pumpkins have been carved for centuries. The tradition originated in an Irish myth. A man named Stingy Jack invited the devil to have a drink with him. He did not want to pay for the drink, and he convinced the devil to turn into a coin to pay for the drinks. When the devil did so, Jack stuck him in his pocket next to a silver cross, preventing the devil from changing back. Jack agreed to free him if he would leave him alone and not to claim his soul, should he die, for one year. At the end of the one year he again trapped the devil in a tree and carved a cross into it, preventing the devils escape. He agreed to free him on the same conditions, only ten times longer. Shortly after Jack died. God would not accept an unsavory person into heaven, and the devil kept his word. He gave him a lit piece of coal and sent him back to Earth as a spirit. Jack carved a turnip and stuck the coal in it, wandering the Earth without a light forever.
Halloween Animals There are many animals that are associated with Halloween, including black cats, owls, bats, and spiders.
Ghosts Ghosts have been associated with Halloween for centuries because they are the spirits of the dead. There are many ghost sightings every year. Ghost figures are found every when Halloween draws near.