First meeting of the south-southeastearn ENPI CBC NIPs networks Florence, 23 June 2009 WORKSHOP Building Capitalisation and Dissemination in ENPI CBC programmes Andrea Stocchiero, CeSPI
Why Capitalisation? What is Capitalisation? What Knowledge? What Tools? How to promote Capitalisation? Experiences What is the NIPs role? Questions for the group discussion Contents
There is scarce evidence on the added value of CBC Our knowledge on projects results is limited, no overview available Projects seem often to operate in isolation from mainstream policy at local and national levels We do not learn and we do not know if and how CBC is improving territorial development We need capitalisation for achieving the overall goal: the effective and efficient implementation of ENPI CBC programmes through generation of strategic and high quality projects Why Capitalisation?
The idea is to put together all capitalisation initiatives to create synergies and reflect together on this crucial task for programmes and projects. KEEP should provide for an important mass of information to be used for the capitalisation of results, synergies and collective reflection. Thematic events and networks, as well as studies and handbooks are foreseen as the “capitalisation package” to be delivered by INTERACT. The KEEP initiative of INTERACT
KEEP, a Capitalisation tool for EU-wide promotion of Territorial Cooperation The added value of Co-operation is not clear KEEP is a mechanism for capturing and comparing projects’ information on EU level through the documenting, processing and transferring of information on co- operation programmes and projects into a common knowledge base a Definitiona Goal Demonstrating and communicating the benefits of European Territorial Cooperation LOOK AT INTERREG AS A WHOLE MULTI PROGRAMMES INITIATIVE
Capitalisation consists of a systematic collection, analysis and dissemination of knowledge on (good and bad) practices in CBC programmes to be integrated in mainstream policies. It is part of a knowledge management/system in a learning organisation. It is a prime and crosscutting function in the institutional architecture of CBC programmes … but who are in charge of what? Capitalisation activities set focus on the quality of CBC projects/programmes in achieving strategic results. What is Capitalisation?
Capitalisation in the Knowledge Management of ENPI CBC Programmes Environment: territories and transnational linkages CBC Organisation and Programming: organisms and procedures Projects Experiences/ Practices Lessons learnt Supports by JMA/JTS NIPs Information available outside Information management tools: Documentation centres, Intranet, Forum, … Capitalisation
Capitalisation comes from tacit (know how and reflection on experiences) and explicit knowledge (projects documents, operative programmes, strategy paper, …). It is mainly experience capitalisation: transition from experiences to shareable knowledge, on clusters of CBC projects related to diverse issues/questions per priorities and themes. It is a collective exercise that generates lessons learnt, good/bad practices, innovations (positive changes at project and programme level). The knowledge must be formalised, available, accessible, disseminated. What Knowledge?
Tools for the socialisation and formalisation of tacit knowledge: Peer assist, after action review, mentoring, coaching; Communities of practices, forums and meetings, trainings and seminars, knowledge fairs; Extranets, expertise locator systems, electronic databases, magazine and newsletters. What Tools?
Through Programme requirements in the project cycles: to introduce capitalisation in the projects phases Through financing cross-cutting capitalisation projects Through support processes (INTARACT ENPI might have a role?) Through information and publicity activities How to promote Capitalisation?
Examples of capitalisation activities within Interreg IIIC (transnational cooperation) to bring together projects working on similar themes, make results available and promote transfers of good practices into mainstream programmes Creation of new section on the Interreg IIIC web site which summarise results achieved, lessons learnt and recommendations of operations/projects, organised by themes Experiences, methods and tools
Interreg IIIC
Call for additional funding involving capitalisation activities (seminars, studies) . A specific procedure on capitalisation: collection of applications by networks of projects for implementing joint seminars, analysis, best practice guidelines, proposals for future programming. Other examples: joint policy papers to lobby European institutions, meetings with European projects funded by other programmes, regular contacts between networks. Cluster initiatives: preference given to networks with new partners. Activities: staff exchange, study visits, workshops and pilot implementations. Interreg IIIC
A call for Capitalisation projects will be opened at the end of 2009: Interreg IVC Programme “Capitalisation projects are specifically aimed at preparing the transfer of good practices into regional operational programmes, and are required to have an impact in the current funding period … there are relatively few Capitalisation projects. A specific call for Capitalisation projects only will therefore be launched by the end of Further details on the conditions of this call – including a maximum budget allocation – will be decided in October 2009, during the next Monitoring Committee meeting in Sweden. A series of seminars and information events will be organised by the Joint Technical Secretariat, and the Information Points, in to prepare applicants in understanding the characteristics of the call, once decided by the Monitoring Committee. A dedicated Capitalisation event will be organised under the chairmanship of the Swedish presidency of the EU in December 2009.”
Capitalisation & Fast Track project type is foreseen. It comprises: Transfer of good practices identified by networks to Convergence and Competitiveness programmes = building bridges among programmes Regional action plans leading to concrete project ideas for implemetation on a list of 30 themes (INTERREG IVC / URBACT II) Networks to be set up for each theme bringing together regions with specific experience and those having special interest Baltic Sea Region Programme
The Action Plan establishes a specific focus on capitalisation activities. BaltMet will promote: cooperation and exchange of best practices among the city administrators, facilitating mobility of city professionals, academic institutions and enterprises (BaltMet Exchange), and information (BaltMet InfoForum) Baltic Metropoles Network
NIPs are in a unique and strategic position: interconnection node between the national and transnational level at national level (among diverse ministries) between the different local level and national level What is the NIPs role? NIP Territory A Territory B Territory C Ministry AMinistry BMinistry C Country A Country B Country C Public and private actors
NIP in the learning organisation of ENPI CBC Joint Monitoring Committee JMA NIP JTS Branch Offices
Possible NIPs specific activities? Information on the interconnection between national programmes and ENPI CBC projects Collaboration with JMA/JTS on introducing national dimension on experience capitalisation Organisation of specific workshops on how to connect ENPI CBC experiences to national policies/financing (and viceversa) Comparison among NIPs on capitalisation regarding coherence/complementarity/coordinat ion at local/national/transnational levels
Who is responsible for capitalisation activities? Which is the division of labour in the learning organisation of CBC Programmes? Which is the NIPs role in the capitalisation process? Have NIPs resources for capitalisation? What activities could be envisaged? Which are the subjects/questions for capitalisation? Which assistance programme could offer INTERACT ENPI ? Questions for the group discussion