Practical tools of Dutch legislative drafters Jan A.B. Janus Jakarta 4-7 July 2011
Developments It started in 1954 with the first edition of a rather modes set of Directives on Legislative Technique issued by the Minister-President. ……and in 2011, almost sixty years later There is – digital – toolkit for the legislative lawyer filled with all kinds of – digital and interactive – tools.
The core tools The Integrated Assessment Framework The Directives on Legislation The Scenario for Legislation The Manual Legislation and Europe At present, all these tool are digital and to be consulted and used via internet
The Directives on Legislation Issued by the Prime Minister of the Netherlands in 1992 Amended 9 times, the last time in 2011 A working group under the leadership of the Ministry of Security and Justice continuously works to update them Now: 8 chapters with in total 345 instructions
The contents of the directives on Legislation Three categories of Instructions: 1.Instructions about the character and contents of legislation 2.Instructions regarding legislative technique 3.Instructions regarding legislative procedures
The Scenario for Legislation The Scenario gives a systematic explanation of the procedures as regards the realisation of the various categories of legislation, i.c. the Acts of Parliament, orders in council, ministerial regulations and treaties It contains also the various standard letters and forms to be usedatthe different stages of the process
The Manual Legislation and Europe This manual is a tool for the legislative lawyers as regards The preparation and realisation of EU legislation, and The national implementation of EU legislation
The Integrated Assessment Framework (1) The Integrated Assessment Framework for policy and legislation is a analytical working method as well as a source of information for the preparation and justification of policy and legislative proposals. It is to be used by policy officials and legislative lawyers of the ministries when preparing policy and legislative proposals.
The Integrated Assessment Framework (2) It is a digital system, accessed via the Internet, which on the basis of seven key questions includes all relevant quality aspects possibly important for the preparation of a policy or legislative proposal. Recently the Government has decided that this assessment framework must be applied structurally in the preparation of policy and legislative proposals.
The Integrated Assessment Framework (3) Analysis of the problem 1. What is the reason? 2. Who are involved 3. What is the problem? 4. What is the purpose? 5. What justifies government intervention? Choice of the instrument 6. Which is the best instrument Assessment of the consequences 7. Which are the consequences for citizens, enterprises, government and the environment?
Other tools and services Besides the four core tools, other tools and – interactive - services exist, which are provided on the website of the Expertise Centre for Legislation
The Expertise Centre for Legislation The Centre was established in 2000 and is part of the LegislationDirectorate of the Ministry of Security and Justice. The Centre serves as a expertise centrefor all legislativelawyerswhoworkfor the Central Governement and the Council of State. Its website is of vitalimportancebecausethis website provides access to the toolkit and all other services for the legislativelawyers.
Further developments The Clearing House for Legislative Evaluation - a research project that collects knowledge about the operation of individual laws Legis - a programme that aims at improving the quality of legislation and the legislative process through cooperation, standarisation and the proper use of digital resources.