Meg Brunner, MLIS; Nancy Sutherland, MLS Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington (WA Node) The NATIONAL DRUG ABUSE TREATMENT CLINICAL TRIALS NETWORK (CTN) is a partnership between NIDA and 17 state and regional Nodes, working with over 200 community treatment programs (CTPs). What is the CTN? The CTN mission is to conduct rigorous, multi-site clinical trials of behavioral and pharmacological treatment interventions for drug abuse, and to determine their effectiveness in a broad range of real- world treatment settings and with diverse patient populations. Through its Dissemination activities, the CTN hopes to transfer research results to addiction counselors and others to improve drug abuse treatment throughout the country, using science as the vehicle. CTN Dissemination Library What’s in the CTN Library? From the CTN Dissemination Library home page you can browse the documents by type, perform a complex search, view new items, and learn about the CTN in general. Abstracts & Links for Each Item About Nodes & CTPs The What’s New page shows the latest articles and other items added to the Library. You can also find the CTN Bulletin and reminders about upcoming meetings. A Full record for each item in the Library includes the authors, an abstract, keywords, a link to download or request a copy of the article, and a list of the Protocols, Nodes, and CTPs that were involved in the research. About the Protocols Each Node has its own page in the Library, showing the PI’s name, the affiliated CTPs, protocols the Node participates in, and a Find It! link to publications by Node members. CTP logos link to web sites Find It! Link to publications “See Also” searches for Nodes & CTPs Latest publications Acknowledgements Supported by a NIDA grant to ADAI, the Regional Research and Training Center of CTN’s Washington Node (U10 DA013714), Dennis M. Donovan, PI. Protocol participation Each Protocol has its own web page with a description of the project, contact info for the Lead Investigator, links to participating nodes and CTPs, and the latest publications related to the study. What’s New in the Library? The CTN Dissemination Library contains a variety of document types: o Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles o Presentations given by CTN members o Manuals developed out of CTN protocols o Blending Team Packets o Newsletters and Newsletter Articles o NIDA’s CTN Brochures o Directories Search for authors, Nodes/CTPs, and keywords. Click Browse Index to view all terms in a field CTN Dissemination Library: an electronic library of resources created by and about the NIDA CTN. Single point of access to CTN research findings, treatment manuals, and other materials approved for dissemination. Liaison with ATTC, SALIS, INCASE, and other organizations to raise awareness of evidence-based treatment research from the CTN. Copies of journal articles sent to CTN members and others who don’t have institutional access. Link to the CTN Library from your web page! CTN Librarians: Meg Brunner, MLIS and Nancy Sutherland, MLS. ( ) Where Can I Find Information on New Science-Based Treatment Interventions? NIDA’s Clinical Trials Network Dissemination Library Author “See Also” search Node & CTP web sites Keyword “See Also” search