Project Giving an oral report Project Giving an oral report.


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Presentation transcript:

Project Giving an oral report Project Giving an oral report

Sometimes we need to give an oral report about a certain topic. To make the report convincing( 令人信服的 ), we should base it on facts. So it is necessary for us to design a survey( 调 查 ). And a questionnaire( 问卷调查 ) is a good form of a survey.

Teenagers’ friendships

Tick the answer which most applies to you. 1. How many best friends do you have? A lot A few None Lead-in Finish a questionnaire: Are you a boy or a girl? Boy Girl

2. How often do you have a long conversation with your friends? More than three times a week Once a week Seldom Never

3. What topics do you mostly talk about with your best friends? Hobbies and interests Families and friends School and study Emotions and feelings Future planes and dreams

4. Do you share your secrets with your best friends? Always Sometimes Never 5. Do you think boys and girls have the same attitudes towards friendship? Yes No

Girls seem to have more to talk about with their best friends than boys. Friendships between girls are usually anchored in shared emotions and support, but friendships between boys are based on shared activities or interests. Girls have more friendships than boys. If you choose No to Question 5, what different attitudes do they have?

Reading 1. What puzzles Robert? He can’t understand how girls can talk for so long. Skimming Read the passage fast, and find the answers to these questions:

T or F questions: Girls have more friends than boys, according to studies. Boys can easily name a best friend when asked. Scanning T F

A boy is likely to be cautious about sharing his feelings with his close friends. A girl’s best friend might be eager to tell her about something that has happened in her life. T T

Read the passage and answer the following questions: 1. What did Amanda reply when asked what she and her friend talked about? They talked about almost everything: film stars, pop songs, recipes, everything. Reading in detail:

2. Why can’t boys name a single best friend? Because they are busy with homework and have so many friends that it is hard for them to choose. 3. Can girls name their best friend? Yes, they can answer without pausing.

4. What are friendships between girls based on? They are anchored in shared feelings and support. 5. What are friendships between boys based on? They are based on shared activities or interests.

Thinking What is most important in you life? What friendship means to you?

What friendship means to me

Discuss the eight questions. 1.What is the primary purpose of your survey? 2.Who will you choose to survey? 3.How will you design your survey? 4.How many questions will you ask? 5.Who will write the survey questions? 6.Who will work out the results? 7.Who will write the report? 8.Who will present the oral report?

Group work Conduct a survey first, and then collect different attitudes towards friendship and present an oral report.

Further thinking Actually you are reading an oral Report about the differences between the teenage boys and teenage girls. What is presented in the first paragraph? And what is discussed in the body of the passage? Also what is included in the concluding paragraph?

Structure of an oral report 1.The leading para: put forward the topic of the report. 2.The body: state the details of a discussion or a debate. For instance, 30% of the students…, 50% of the students…,the rest of the students…

3. The ending para(s): voice the writer’s opinions or present the writer’s summary.

What is your attitude towards this question? we must maintain a firm attitude. 我们必须保持坚定的态度。 attitude n. 态度 1. When I asked him his a_______ towards school, he did not say anything. ttitudes Language points

anchor vt. 扎根于;使基于;下锚;使 固定 n. 锚 2. Friendships between girls are usually anchored in shared feelings … Her novels are anchored in everyday experience. 她的小说基于对日常生活的体验。

base vt. base sth. on \upon 建立在 …… 基础之 上, 以 …… 为根据 3. Their relationship _____________ mutual respect. 他们的友谊建立在相互尊重的基础之上。 was based on/ upon

I base my hopes on the news we had yesterday. 我的希望是以我们昨天所得到的消息 为根据。

The law requires equal treatment for all, regardless of race, religion or sex. 法律要求对所有人平等对待,不论种族、 宗教或性别。 regardless of the expense/ consequences. 不顾花费 / 后果 4. regardless of : 不管, 不论

5. respond 【语境展示】 1) Hearing what he said, I didn’t know how to respond. 2) When a baby is upset and his parents respond, he learns that he can rely on them.

3) The government should listen to what the people say and respond to their needs. 4) The doctor told me that our body often responds to stress by getting sick. 【自我归纳】 1. 根据例句 1 、 2 可知, respond 可用作 不及物动词,意为 “________________” 。 作出反应,回应

2. 根据例句 3 、 4 可知, respond 可与介 词 ______ 搭配,构成固定短语,表示 “ 回答,响应 ” 。 【联想拓展】 1. respond to 还可以表示 “ (药物等)有 效 ” 。如: The patient didn’t respond well to this kind of treatment. 这种治疗方法对该病人没有明显的效果。 to

2. respond 还可用作及物动词。如: She responded that she would never see him again. 她回答说她再也不想看到他了。 3. response n. 反应,反响,回答。如: The headmaster’s response to our project is encouraging. 校长对我们这个课题的反应很振奋人心。

6. thanks to 【语境展示】 1. Thanks to her help, we finished the task on time. 2. Thanks to their encouragement, I was not upset by the failure. 3. Thanks to the bad weather, your picnic had to be cancelled ( 取消 ).

【自我归纳】 根据以上例句可知, thanks to 意为 “ 幸亏;由于 ” 。它的意思与短语 ___________ 的含义相近。 because of

【拓展】 no thanks to 意为 “ 并非某人 / 某事物 之功 ” 。如: It was no thanks to you that we managed to finish the important report. 我们能完成这份重要的报告并不是 你的功劳。

Fill in the blanks using the words from the box below. Change the form where necessary. get along worldwide support quality in the world base on suppose share reply 1.Helen is my best friend. She always ______ her secrets with me. shares Exercises

2. This evidence ________ my belief that he is guilty. 3. The company has become very successful in China because its products are of a high ______. supports quality

4. I asked my father if I could watch TV after finishing my homework, and he ______ with a nod. 5. No one knows how ___________ the Great Wall was built without the use of modern machinery. 6. Our conclusion should __________ careful research. replied in the world be based on

7. Kate is very friendly, so it is easy __________ with her. 8. IBM is known _________ for its advanced technology. 9. Sometimes he can be quite mean, but I _______ in general, he is a nice man. to get along worldwide suppose

Finish the Self-assessment.