Hammurabi BCE The first Law giver Code of Hammurabi Eye for an eyeMesopotamia
Read and discuss the code of HammurabiMesopotamia
How would Hammurabi addressed people who broke the following rules? On your note card, write what you think would be a Hammurabi-esque punishment and have a group member bring your note card to Mr. CMesopotamia
While in class, the teacher catches Jennifer using her cell phone to send a text message to her friend in violation of school rules. How would Hammurabi discipline Jennifer?Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia Stephen is messing around with a pencil on his desk causing a distraction to other students in class. The teacher has to ask him to stop. Steven responds by saying “I didn’t do anything wrong.” The teacher says “I just saw you messing around with that pencil.” Steven says “it wasn’t me.” According to Hammurabi, what should Steven’s punishment for, either a not taking responsibility for his actions, or for lying to the teacher, be?
Mesopotamia Two boys are seen running down the hall by the principal. The principal calls out to them, and asks them to stop running. The students continue to run. Later the boys are found in the principal’s office receiving their punishment. What kind of punishment would Hammurabi provide?
Mesopotamia Susie is on the high school volleyball team. She was found have been drinking alcohol in violation of Minnesota State High School League, and school district rules. According to Hammurabi, what should Susie’s punishment to be?
Mesopotamia On your note card, write down a school rule of your choice (must be different from the rules we have already used as examples). Then, write what Hammurabi would do to punish a student that violates this rule.