Asian Tigers Hong Kong and Singapore Huge financial centers South Korea and Taiwan. hubs of global manufacturing in automobile/electronic components and information technology Rapidly developing, free market economies rising standard of living NIEs=Newly Industrialized Economies Japan = also rapidly developed
New Industrialized Economies (NIEs) Discipline & hardworking labor force (cheap labor) HUGE government investment in education (elementary, secondary, college). High rates of personal saving that allowed generous fund investments in new technology. Economic focus on exports to highly-industrialized nations. Relatively authoritarian gov’ts during the early years of development
Today: North Korea & South Korea
Kim Jong Il Passed away December 2011 Kim Jong Uh 32 years old Kim Jong Il Passed away December 2011
Satellite Image of Gulags On Tuesday, Google unveiled a detailed map of North Korea, offering a rare glimpse inside the streets, landmarks and even the gulags located in the world's most isolated country.
Demilitarized zone (DMZ) between Koreas is most volatile border region
CHINA 2015 China claimed the top position for the World’s Largest Economic Power, surpassing the United States. Despite this, China’s economic growth has declined throughout the first few months of 2015.