The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Review The Holy Spirit is a divine personThe Holy Spirit is a divine person He had and has work to do which includes our sanctificationHe had and has work to do which includes our sanctification God promised an outpouring of the Holy Spirit equated with God’s blessings on the repentantGod promised an outpouring of the Holy Spirit equated with God’s blessings on the repentant Peter said that outpouring began on the day of Pentecost.Peter said that outpouring began on the day of Pentecost.
Acts 2:37-39 “…and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”“…and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Is Peter saying:Is Peter saying: –You will receive the Holy Spirit Himself as a gift?, or –You will receive the gift that belongs to, or comes from, the Holy Spirit?
Logical arguments The Holy Spirit as a giftThe Holy Spirit as a gift –Only logical if The Holy Spirit is an objectThe Holy Spirit is an object The Holy Spirit is a slaveThe Holy Spirit is a slave –Not logical since The Holy Spirit is a personThe Holy Spirit is a person The Holy Spirit is deityThe Holy Spirit is deity
Logical arguments Receive the gift of John BrownReceive the gift of John Brown –Only logical interpretation is that John Brown is the giver of the gift, not the gift himself If that were all you were toldIf that were all you were told –Could you say what the gift was? –Or would you need to find more information?
The gift of God Rom 6:23Rom 6:23 –The “gift of God is eternal life” –Since the Holy Spirit is God, then logically the gift of the Holy Spirit is eternal life It harmonizes with other Scripture – Gal 6:8It harmonizes with other Scripture – Gal 6:8
The gift of God John 4:10-14John 4:10-14 –The gift of God is “living water”, “a well of water springing up to eternal life” (cf. John 7:37-39)
The promise Acts 2:38-39 “For the promise…”Acts 2:38-39 “For the promise…” Gal 3:13-14Gal 3:13-14 –God made a promise to Abraham (Gen 12:3) –Christ brought the promise to ALL people –SO THAT all would receive the promise of the Spirit Therefore, the gift of the Holy Spirit is what the Spirit promised to Abraham and what Christ died to bring to all mankindTherefore, the gift of the Holy Spirit is what the Spirit promised to Abraham and what Christ died to bring to all mankind
Parallel ideas Acts 2:38Acts 2:38 –Repent and be baptized for forgiveness of sins –and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit Acts 26:15-18Acts 26:15-18 –Receive forgiveness of sins –and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me Isn’t the “gift” the same as the “inheritance” which is “eternal life”?Isn’t the “gift” the same as the “inheritance” which is “eternal life”?
Conclusion What is “the gift of the Holy Spirit” which is promised to all believers?What is “the gift of the Holy Spirit” which is promised to all believers? –Not the Spirit Himself, but what the Spirit brings –The Spirit gives what He promised to give A blessing available to all mankindA blessing available to all mankind Eternal lifeEternal life
Questions If the gift is not the Holy Spirit Himself, then what about passages referring to the Spirit dwelling (or abiding) with us?If the gift is not the Holy Spirit Himself, then what about passages referring to the Spirit dwelling (or abiding) with us? That will be for our next lesson on “The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit”That will be for our next lesson on “The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit”