The Biblical Basis of Spiritual Gifts (From last week) A definition of spiritual gifts: Spiritual gifts are special abilities given by the Holy Spirit to every believer according to God’s grace and design for use in exalting Christ, edifying the church, and evangelizing the secular world
(From last week) Some beginning questions to ask myself: Do I have God’s greatest gift? Am I willing to explore this subject with an open mind and heart? Will I listen to the voice of God as He speaks to me? Will I be willing to obey
God's primary gift to us is Himself (1 Cor 12:1-2 once it was the mute idols that led now it is the Spirit - see Acts 1:8) A person who does not have the Holy Spirit is not a Christian A person who does not have the Holy Spirit is not a Christian (Rom. 8:9-11) A person may have the Holy Spirit and not be experiencing all of His powerA person may have the Holy Spirit and not be experiencing all of His power (1 Cor. 3:1-3) God gives gifts to the church to exalt Christ and edify the churchGod gives gifts to the church to exalt Christ and edify the church (1 Cor. 12:7 and Rom. 8:15)
You have at least one spiritual gift (1 Cor. 12:7) Within the unity of Christ, you are all different Within the unity of Christ, you are all different (1 Corinthians 12:4-6) All of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today. As long as we are living in the age of the church, God will continue to pour His gifts out on the church. Scripture does not support the cessation of any of His gifts. (1 Cor – In particular 1 Cor. 12:1; 14:1) No gift is above the other in importanceNo gift is above the other in importance (1 Cor. 12:1,4,7)
What is the take-away for today? Do you have the Holy Spirit? Where do you see the gifts of the Spirit operative? What gift or gifts do you think you may have? How are you using those gifts? How is sin in your life obscuring the discovery and use of spiritual gifts in your life?