Vocabulary – Week 3 Ab - Away, apart Abduct - to carry off or lead away.
Ante- Before Anterior - going before in time or sequence.
Carcin- Cancer Carcinoma – A cancerous tumor.
Circ- Around Circumference – The distance around the edge of a circle.
-cycle Circle Bicycle - A vehicle with two wheels (the wheels go around in a circle).
End- Inner Endoderm - the innermost body tissue.
Ex- From, outer Exterior - being on the outer side.
Bell Ringer What is the prefix, and what does it mean? Abduct Anterior Carcinoma Circumference Bicycle Endoderm Exterior
Di- Two or second Dissect - to cut apart into two pieces.
Diplo- Double, double folded Diploid - an organism or cell having double the basic haploid number of chromosomes.
Hemi- Half Hemisphere - half of the globe.
Hist- Tissue Histology – The study of tissue.
-ic Of, pertaining to Metallic – of, pertaining to, or consisting of metal.
-ist Someone who practices or deals with something Podiatrist – A doctor who deals with feet.
Mega- Large Megamall – A very large mall.
Bell Ringer What is the prefix, and what does it mean? Dissect Diploid Hemisphere Histology Metallic Podiatrist Megamall
Mito- Thread Mitochondria - an organelle in the cytoplasm of cells that functions in energy production. (Looks like a grain of rice with a thread twisted inside).
Oste (on)- Bone Osteoporosis - a disorder in which the bones become increasingly brittle.
Phag- Eat Phagocyte - any cell, as a macrophage, that ingests and destroys foreign particles
Troph- Food Atrophy – Wasting away of the body from a lack of eating enough food.
Zo (on)- Animal Zoology - the science or branch of biology dealing with animals.
Visc- Organ Viscera – Inner organs of the body.
Bell Ringer What is the prefix, and what does it mean? Mitochondria Osteoporosis Phagocyte atrophy Zoology Viscera