AB900 New Jail Project
Final Project Description & Cost Estimate
AB 900 Grant Award AmountGAP AB 900 (award) $26,985,422 Jail with kitchen $37,774,000$9,366,578 Jail without kitchen $34,774,000$6,366,578
SALES TAX INITIATIVE Funding Option Purpose Finalize Project Description On-site or off-site kitchen Determine Sales Tax Initiative Structure General tax Special tax
Funding Process Auditor-Controller and Treasurer-Tax Collector to concurrently pursue financing options. USDA Loan Certificate of Participation I-Bank Pursue voter approved sales tax initiative to provide revenue source for debt service
Project Description After pursuing all off-site kitchen options, the Sheriff supports pursuing funding for a jail project that would build an on-site kitchen. Mobile food facility Gap funding remains at $6.4 million Must construct or purchase additional trailer units for dry food goods, refrigerated foods, frozen foods and dish washing. Increase jail construction costs approx $1 million; increases gap to $7.4 million Purchase and install multiple trailer units- redesign exterior to add security features. Method of operation inefficient and impractical. Recommend using existing jail. Use existing jail Gap remains $6.4 million Must build receiving facility at new jail- estimated cost $2 million Jail staff and operational costs increase significantly
PROJECT DESCRIPTION On-site kitchen On-site kitchen - $9.4 million gap based on today’s figures. Construction costs will increase between now and project establishment date. Assume financing need of $10 million.
Project Description Off-site kitchen Off-site kitchen-$6.4 million gap based on today’s figures Assume trailer unit can be purchased and installed for $500,000 Construction costs will increase between now and project establishment date. Assume financing need of $7.5million
DECISION TIME On-site Kitchen? Off-site kitchen?
SALES TAX INITIATIVE County sales tax revenue is approximately $800,000 per year Current sales tax rate is 7.5% Increase.25% or.5% .25% generates approx $200,000 per year .5% generates approx $400,000 per year
$10,000,000 Debt Service 30 yrs20 yrs 4.5%$608,000$760, %$681,000$825,500
$7.5 Million Debt Service 20 yrs30 yrs 4.5%$570,000$456, %$619,100$511,000
Debt Service Scenario Annual Debt Service $700,000 Funding SourceAmount.5% Sales Tax$400,000 Redirect Court Split Repay- $100,000 Siskiyou Power Authority $200,000 Total$700,000
TAX INITIAVE STRUCTURE Structured as a general tax- requires 50% + 1 to pass Add advisory measure Add sunset provision Structured as a special tax to fund jail construction Requires 2/3 majority or 66.67% to pass Add sunset provision No cost to the County to put on June 2016 ballot unless a two page ballot is required
DECISION TIME Structure as a General Tax? Structure as a Special Tax? Advisory measure? Sunset provision?
Next Steps Board to approve resolution directing County Clerk to put initiative on the ballot Counsel to draft impartial analysis for ballot measures Measure placed on June ballot Discuss regulations related to activities that can and cannot be funded with public funds.
Use of Public Funds We could contract for County-sponsored Public Information Program. Public funds can legally be spent to educate and assess your community. Educates/updates the public on the essential needs in a legally permissible manner.